"kmlicity Of ù; tus xiven here.; IECTOR: ;ome of My 'aders have ,nimented on he red-pes and as cuntrasted: feai Coou.I 'MEMO At-s SIMPLE PROBLEM lm ADDITION *ii There i. verni- ly éuthing t. thuckh hoM .steak <est from one o Wilson'a Tender Extra MUid C»r. tièfied Smo b.d Hamta,. add t. it 3 or 14 amai oniona aend a <a. of It was made of gold, silver, and recious stones, contributed by the.I eople of the church. Many of the ifts were lamnily heirlooms. It is of Christian Science Churches Death ie les-. 'z-. CaLEItY SràwDeRlty