for Junior. GIRLS and Senior Co;nducéd by the ROSARY COLLEGE' S ISTERS For S..kI.t ami Infýormallion address SISTER DAVID 1219,W. 701h St., Chcago, Illinois TELEPHONE STEWA-RI 0678- uue - -- aui aji,- worth. On the returrittip thèy drove home by way of Charleston, . .c.; and Asheville, N.. C. SEEKS HOME IN SOUTU. Mrs. Joseph Converse, daughter of Mrs. 'John C. Carpenter, 250 Ox- ford road, K enilworth. left Monday mnorning for Greenville., S.C.., tob- cate a new home for the family'. Following, his graduatin from ,Loy-,' ola Medical cllege,, in June,, Mr. jConverse will interne in the Green- ville General'.hospital. The Coni-' verse- children, Joey and. Suzanne, are now visiting Mrs. Carpenter. 300 Acres in Lake Region of Northern Wisconsin. 1,75.0 feet above Sea Level. Swimming, Saling; Aquaplaning; Tennis; Archery; Golf; Rid- ing; Art;. Dramatics. Ganoe Trips on famous Flambeau and Manitowish Rivers. Jlorseback Trails tlrough Pine Forests, Screened Cabins. Staff of College Graduates. 22nd Season. I..hlef - Lofo C. Brodbridge. The. I,,k-CadiIIc. Dtroit. Miel.. I ISooklef-Don Srodbrldge, 1016 Ouf.. Towe. ,Detroit, Mick... c- C) last Saturday were:, Misses' Marie Hefferan, .Wilmette; Nancyi Bond, Glencoe; P'atricia Donohue , Winnetka; Patricia Madden, Glëneoe, and Betty Lout DeLescaille, Ash street, Winnetka. Lowest step: Marie Heff eran; next ail incloor activities, including draw- step, left: Nancy Bond, right, Patri- ing and singing. cia Donohué; seated on top step: The children will be divided into Patricia Madden; standing onl top groupsaccording to their ages. The step: Betty Lou DeLescaille. oider children will have an opportun- îty to learn to swim in perfect safe- - I