AmerKavA1. SThe public is invited, there is no charge for admission, and af- ter the lecturethe entire gthér.- ing will be served, light refresh- ments. The regular meeting of Wil- mnette Townsend- Club this week FULL QART Wwill be held in Wilmette V FL QAT hall Friday evening at 8 o' Literature containing factu -35C visitons ar.e w, e 1* c o m e WII**ft* pointed out. * 5353 9flcA WIMUTEHigh chool HobbyShwWil CONFlie Held Friday of Next We Di, a hobby e school g: noon and.ev( 3:30 to il ,hirci annual Rr tuili he fi 'dock.e iaclqin- .ea in- it is >ek It of itri ir re t spiration and is consiclered'of great value to the Christian forces -of the ,commnunity." - There will be group siftging of familiar songs and other'special mu- sical features will be on. the Pro- gram.> Hector Dodds will 'be toast- master, and Dr. Hubert Carleton, president of the Minister?' Union of ,Wilmetteý,,will: bring words of _greet- ing.« The special speaker of the eve-' ning will be Dr. Egbert W. Smith. of Nashville, Tenri., who has been called .-the Robert E.ý Spèer of the: South." Dr. Smith has been a world traveler. He has been fêted, by African chiefs,, and by the cultured sons of the world's oldest civiliza- tiorns. He has traveled by practical- ly every known conveyatice, through cities of Japari and China, through the -fastnesses of the jungles o-f Af- rica.and Brazil. Everywhere he has been a keen observer, and is qua'li- fied to comment on wonld condi- tions, especially as they, relate to Christian icleals and purposes. it is pointed out.. Tickets for the dinner are avail- able at modest. cost and eac.h church has officiai representative f r o tri *Save 10% on Oasonnle--Oils Accessotles * and Service andi an exhibit i Science club. The ib will play a mat ým Evanston High [l be also student e: tch box, cards, ai ns. The undengraci mette rarisn IvethoQ1st, w uruet Lutheran, and First Presbyteniani. Alpha Tauti Orega Alumni to Hold Banquet Friday avE nere eue,t from Sqturday and Sunday Special BRICK i 630 Lake« er vacatic at home.