Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1939, p. 14

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91 fL8tetS *flnfn*C, wn xioS*y uo%.mmIfiCAnlf;F8 - g reparatory service, 9: 45.. 8 P. in., Good Friday - Service With sermon and Holy Communion-, prepar- atory :service. 7:45. * RASTER SERVICES 6:W a . m. -Early morn service. 9: 16 a. mi. -Service in German. 9:30 a. mn. -Supday sehool andi Bible dlass. 10:55. a. mr. -S.unday. school clasa for * hildren of ýthree to f iv e years., Il a. 1 m.-Second ý Service, in English. In the eariy morn service the. order of service will include the followiïng: Prelude-" Christ the Lord Is Risen Again"'.......... Bach Duet-'-.Christian, the Morn Blreaks O'er Us"......Sheeley. Rosalie Carlen and, Arthur Green Offertory-Andantino ........Saint-Saens The Sermon-"E-aster and Our ye thie ...Schrnauck alm) ....... Randegger ýertling, soloist 0oW That Liveth". ....... Handel he Day ofPer1:9 ................1Ptri:- SM$. By Man" ..Hatndel The Junior Hlgh classes are "launching a.shlp." This new venture is in the na- ture of an expressional period at 4:30 on, Sunday afternoons. The captain of the geod .shlp "Friendship' 8s oanDuncan. Richard .Henderson is first amate -and Glays alstrom is pilot. Miss Ruth Ihls ul act as aduit sponsor. AU sev*- enth ,and elghth*graders are lnvited, un- less belonging to a similar group in some other church. Our Egaster Pestival Worship begins at 11 o'clock on Sunday; with processional of combined. choirs singing :"Christ the Lord Is Risen." Special numbers wlll be directed by' Lydia Koch,, organist, and Miss Grace Parmele will sing -1 Know that Mvy Redeemner Liveth." Dr. Allison's sermon is entitled "Stones to be RoIied Away." He'will have bis usual délightfi t .visit wlth the. children of the church.'-1 The Easter, offering for the church and its benevolent enterprise wiil be received. A enarle membes oi M s urch in 1( 11. New members will be welcomed. The' service is at 8 o'clock and wiil be pre. ceded by a meeting of the deacons in the Pastor's Study at 7:30. This church cooperates in St. Augus- tine's church observance of the cruc;- fixion on Good Friday from noon to 3. o' dock. Dr. Airison will give the '-Fourth Word f rom the Cross." sent the Easter song. during the 9:45 o'clock. Cc real joy of East dren. Plan to ýsp Ing inichurch. iand experience the ' as y o hea te chu- ic Easter Sunday rnorn- The Easter service will be, at Il o'clock on Easter Sunday. Corne! Bring. others with you, Ail are welcomne. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered ,on Easter. Slnday at 12 o'clock noon. Trhis additlonal serv- ice mnakes it possible for all to commune this Egster season. Firast Congre gatiol John G. Hindley, ministe r Robert A. Edgar, assistant mîinster . m. - .vespr barazIicIiîuservice r. Hindley has entitled his sermon the Easter Sunday mornîng wor- >The Long Look." Members and ids of the church are cordially in- d t( worship wîth us at this service. he music will be- as f9llows for the ýning service: an Prelude-Easter Morning iMt. Rubicloux.............. Gaul ral Prelude- "The three holv womn-~, CHURCH SCHOOL The Senior department an~d the eighth grade aire invited to the' Baptist church for a Sunrise breakfast and Commiunion service, S u n d a y rnng, at 7:30 o'clock. The regular serv .es for these People. will flot be held'this Sunday.. The Junior department wîll meet at 9:30, in the Junior room. Classes Will be held as usual. The Beginners and Pr .imarles willi meet at, 10: 45 on Sitnday* morning. ABRAC4DABRA Abracadabra will meet tomnorrow (Fn.- day) evenlng at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr.i and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, 1925 Thornwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Miller will be. the assistîng*hosts. Fvir8t Presbyterian Chu rch Nimth street at Greenleaf avenue Jarnes-T. Veneklaseil, ministerý nmus.e iy invite the morning "Easter Morn- potud .Ue, ~s Erma The Evening circle will meet on Tues- day evenig at 8 o'clock with Mrs. H., UlIrich at the Leslie Ulltich horne at 610 Waylanci avenue, Kenilworth. If- you have 'no church home, you aire cordially inviteci to attend our Holy Week and Easter services. The Gospel of the crucified and resurrected Savior has a message for you, too I Scouts and other groi Wilmette Li 1010 Central avent The Rev. David R. lowed -bv an-ad- L. Woodward of Orgz (I * T] )Ups will rn-eet at be u *ice i Orgi ,utheran 1.( 2. ne. Wilrnette Ant] Kabele, pastor .4 ..... e ...... ouodnew course on 'Great. Praers',"will be- .Gounod gh" in* on Sunday, April 16. ýs).......... Beethoven The Tili lbyugpol r n muia umbers will vited to , meet with the Baptist church acramental Vesper Serv- Young People on Sunday morning at 7:30 )ck: O'clock. Because of this meeting there wU be no meeting Sunday evening. lory Rvnlocfee ps-olg tesurrexit") ..Raaelo The cle and ps-oleY o un g ' strain ... Frysinger peoples' grôup will meet at the church a, ooyf at 6 o'elock P. M. Miss Frances Brown .Kop....yo... wil - lead the discussion on the themne. ette-I - FT- - OUr Ciureh school wlU have. Easterj Frlday evenlng (April 7) tiiore a Good Fniday service in the The choir Wi3 render the can- The Seven Last Words of Christ,"

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