1937 Total..........-....... Increase for 1938, 50% 1938 Educational.......... 1938 Building............. 1938 Total ...............,.. 1937 Educational.......... 1937 Building............. 1937 Total................ Decrease for 1938, 15% 1938 Educational ....... 1938 Building ........... . 1938 Total ..... 1937 Educational ............ 1937 Building . 1937 Total............... Decrease for 1938, 11% 1938 Building ........ 1938 Total............... 1937 Educational.......... 1937 Building . . 1937 Totat1---.......... Inerease for 1938, 32r,, -,uuu.UU 474 32.00 63,577.00 474 134.00 31,587.00 Increase -Per Pupil 57% WINl 316,456.00, 94,182.00 410,638.00 373,684.00 110,000.00 483,684.00 73,046.00 153,746 51 ,24 204,995 172,700 57,56< 230,266 25,271 NETKA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 1560 203.00 1560 60.00 1560 263.00 1549 241.00 1549 71.00 1549 312.00 Decrease Per Pupil 16% GLENCOE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 35 6.00 900 -171.00 9.00 900 57.00 5.00 900 228.00 174,952.00 0.00 902 191.00 6.00 902 64.00 .00 902 255.00 174,191.00 1.00 Decrease Per Pupil 11% AVOCA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 37 9,45.00 90 10500 2,135.00 90 24.00 11,590.00 90 129.00 1 7,802.00 80 97.00 1,000.00 80 13.00 8,802.00 80 110.00 8 2,788.00 Increase Per Pupil 17% 90000.00 474 1938 Increase lPer Pupil 8% .36 370,840.00 1560 237.00 355,497.00 1549 229.00 1938 Increase Per Pupil 3% 900 194,00 902 - 193.00 1938 Increase Per Pupil 1,000.00 90 122.00 0.00 80 100.00 1938 Inerease Per Pupil NEW TRIER HIGH SCHOOL 1938 Educational ...... 446,497.00 2562 174.00 1938 Building ................201,986.00 2562 79.00 1938 Total . .......... ... .*648,483.00 2562 253.00 744,081.0 -2562 290.00 1937 Educational ... ........555,492.00 2492 « 223.00 1937 Building ............... 209,057.00 2492 84.00 1937 Total ................... 764,549.00 2492 307.00 739,139.00 2492 297.00 Deerease for 1938, 15% 116,067.00 Decrease Per Pupil 18% 1938 Decrease Per Pupil *There is an additional$3257.00 of Tax Extension in that part of New Trier in the Evanston City Limits. New Trier Township Tax Extensions for 1937-1938 Valuation 1938 WILMETTE Village ..........................$15,222,446.00 Park ............................ 12,702,539.00 School-39 ...................... 15,485,198.00 Rate 1938 Tax Extended 1938 Valuation 1937 Rate Tax Extended 1937 1937 1938....................$,586,795 1937 ..... ............. 2,692,622 Decrease, 6 per cent, or.... 157,32 The taxing bodies over which the local taxpayer has no control include Cook county, the Forest Preserve dis- trict, the Sanitary district and the Mosquito Abatement district. The fig- ures on these levies are' as follows: 1938....................$744,057 1937 ......................... 799,586 Decrease of 7 per cent, or... 55,529 Show Education Cst The cost of education is of vital in- terest to the taxpayer, even though he may have no children in the schools. For this reason a separate tabulation is presented, in which theax exten- sions of the various school districts are broken down to the divisions of educational and buildings, together with budgets, number of pupils and cost per pupil. In any consideration of these it must be understood that the cost per pupil of school operation is based upon the budget, as that is most accurate. The levy may be higher or lower than the actual amount spent, but the budget usually comes pretty close. The number of pupils enrolled is as given by the various school offices tbisweek. School Budget Tâeresse The total of budgets for all -of,-the schools of the township is as follows: 1938 ................... 1937.............. .... 1,624,742 Increase, 3 per cent, or... 55,393 For quick and easy comparison the costs per pupil, based upon the bud- gets for the various schools, are as follows: a ~.' ~ -. t 8,0(0 22%