COLONIAL 228 Lawndai.e, Wilmette, TRIS 99INGLE COLONIAL 'HOUSE îs'vory well constrizcted and ln, per- fect tcondition - 6 rooms 3 bath., garage. Lot 50X244. beautlfufly lendscaped. Owner asldng $12,0 but Wants ofter for quick sale. SHIORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1803 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 Wil. 0en Rog. Pk. 6636 147LT14'ltc BASIC 'VALUE COUNTS! THE, e'BEST" WrITOUT EXTRAVA- gance makies tbis E. Kenilworth home the choie of. discrlmlnatlng buyers- distingulmhed locatiork--spciouU rooms- luxurlous appointmeints and more-tho air .of charm. Cutalmosone-haf-to $U.ffl --, be flp *-44i ".. ".,soee .I pch. See SEA8S REAL ESTATE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 421 Ricbmond Road Kenilworth 5288> 147LT1i47-ltc OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sunday 2-5 P.M. Uni. 6880 Don't d AGood House loor Location N. BUY JIJST WEST 0F Glencoe, 121 ItL adjoin- try club. A depth of 274 iroad to Bluff St. lîxîBO landsapaed in a very TO CLOSE ESTATE SOUTHEAST WINNET)Ç, NR. LAKEU. Ideal colonial on bautifulIandscaped baif acre; 4 master bedroomB on 2nd flor;serans'quarter., 3rd-floor; 3%~ bath.; 3 porches; pi1eïêt terrace. bot water oil heat;. 3 car garage wlth' loft, ericé undor $e0000. Grouid alone worth $14.,000. Immediate possession. HEINSEN REALTY CO. :00 Green Bay Rd. Winnetka -254 MEDITERRANEAN DREAM CASTLE 51 KENELWORTH AVE. OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 P.M. WEEK DAYS BY APPT. 300 Pt. to Lake, nr. schools, transp. 9 Rms., 5 Bdrms., 4 Baths--Coj, tile Slariuni-Pountahn. Cal-Tile Ploor Studio Salon, Den, Teirrce & Pool PRICE $W,000-$5,000 CASH HOYT KING REALTY WH). 3121-358 147LTN47-ltc 590' SôUtrpHGXCO AN AIR OF PROSPEIRTY-CONTENT- ment-bappiness lu hndelibly atamped upon the man who owns this home. Hie bas somnethlig. 4 cbarming mas. bcd. with 3 bas., plus servants' qters. Heated sun--opon screencd pcbes. $39,500. Might rent! SEE SEARS REAL ESTATE 1EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 421 Richmond Road Kenlworth 5222 147LTN47-ltc Attrac. 8 rrm., white cl,2%f baths. automa. ht. 2 firoplace.s, Ige. wooded lot, nr. lake and >L"A: réal buy. at $15.000. R.M.: JOHNSTON & CO.. 340 Lunden Ave., Wilmette 4i4 147LT1447-tc KENILWORTH HERE IS A REAL BUY DIA beautilul modern brick Colonial, 4 bdrmis.* 2%' te baths, 2-car gar., où1 ht. *Surrounded by other lovely hom-es, near tratisp. & schl. To be sold-at.a.bargaun., Cail Mrs. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc., 510 Davis St. ýGre. 1166, Wil. 3740 147LTN47-Itc WILL TRAIYE 630 Garland Ave. On 70x231 lot, com- pletely enclosed with h1gh hedge. Seeeedteowe or hsue r iig and lolunghng. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, enl heat. WiUl tracte for smaller bouse. QUINLAN &TYSON, Inc4 584 Lincoln Ave. Wmnn. 177 147LTN47-Ito WHITE COLONIAL 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 177 wants an offer. Atti 147LTN47ltc BAtJMAN Glencoe Brick Colonial 553 Lilni Avenue BEAUTIFUL MODERNIRE9SIDENCE. 5 bednnis., 3 batha, recreation rmn.,lge. N A h % aItcre ground. Southeast Glencoe. (CHARMING' 3 BE rI5d o el.boswdela Other Offerings in Glencoe PI'operty Ro ewater olan~t O. R. Smith Real'Estate Co. fice price, $16,500. 342' PARK AVE. GLENCOE 709 PAUL PHI Winnetka 34501 147LTN47.ýltc. LAKE EDR1W., 21/2 BATH ndscaped lot, 60xl60. ,2 car garage. Sacri- 619 -DARTMOUTH PLACE 147LTN47-Itc WHITE COLONIAL SIX BEDROOMS, 4%/ BA T H S. 2 porches, master suite with dr. rmn., library, chlldreri's diii. rmn. att. 2-car. gar. mud rm. Modern, comnpact, tom- plote and convenient-al for less than $W0,000., For appt. ýcal :FRANKLIN, REALTY 1569. Sherman Ave., Evanston. UNI. 7777 147.LTN47ltc MUST BE SOLD TO SET1'LE ESTATE. 1This 6 rm. home, fine cond. .1 bedrmn. on lst fir., H. W. où hi.,. gar.. lg., woodi. ed lot, nr. schools. For msp. sec CARL P. RORICK & CO. 82 Temple Ct. Winnetka 418 147LTN47-lte HUBBARD WOODS ~OE air TRE wMOST InitcIrrvs -smaUl large" bouses on N.S.-5,rmn. colonial, 2 baths, 2 pebes., extra Ige. liv. rmn. Béautifully woouled fenced yard. For sale or rent. Make offer. Wlnnet1ha 269. 147LTN47ltp Nice Little White Ilouse I KENILWORTH, 3 BEDRMS., 11,12 baths. Air conditioned. Gas heat. At a sacrifice. PAVLIK REALTY 614 GREEN BAY RD. XENIL. 2016 inc. WINN. 1800 147LTN47-lte EAST W ',ME FE IHOME Ailequate for good-sized famnily. Five bedrooms, 2 sunrooms, ex. !av.. extra rooms on 3rd floor if needed. 2-car gar. Wooded lot close to schools & trans. Owner asks $12.500, or offer. FRANKLIN REALTY, EVANSTON University 7777 . - INSPECTON SUNDAY, APRIL 2, PROM '-..E. Rallroad Ave., Wilmette-2 story sa e - If 50sli.t k ýii miey 3 TO 6. Frame House, 6 rms., 1 bath. Rental have desirable tenants and buyers. lmn. it&l"MEWss. JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN Bar &Wrer ue eiloPhRatyC. Real Estate - Notary Public - hnsurance WIui*i.ta 2700 riargate 1855 410 GREEN BAY RD.. KEýNIL. $M0 Wlnnetka 1760ÔOGee 8 d 147LT*47.ltc 4LN7lc 4IT4-f sun room. Lot fo riet.' -4.