XaMbnatans Belasco ?*iater, ýwbenj WMfard Mack aüd, David 'Belasco tornbined the namnes o! Barbara. Fritchie anid Jane Stanwyck for her.. Rerrea "tg" sof couwse, RJfuby Stevens. PLAYING A"IT Merna Kennedy, who was featured with Charlie Chaplin in "The Cir- cus" and who later appeared i "Broadway," "King of Jazz," "Bar- num Was Right," and other films, is portraying a brief role in Para- mnount's "Back Door to Heaver."' produced and directed by William K. Howard. MYENA'S FAVOJITE TUZ# Myrna Loy's 'currentiy favorite played by Fritz Kreisler. The star plays it on the "Lucky Niglit" set an average oftan times 'a day. As the sta emerged frorn his home lie noticed t.ha t t he plates were SPlace WC-s a cryp- tic note Which read "«S or ry jHowever, on the S"L u c k yNilt set, a special mes- senger delivered RI 1i licenses care-1 fully wrapped along with an at- tached no te ex- pis ining that the IRobert Taylor perpetuator h a d attended a San Fernando Valley treasure hunt party-"And on the list of things I was. to 'collect were [Film GuideI The following 'comments on films at local motion* picture theatres are furnished by the North Shore Better Films council. .Key: A-Adults, C-Children, 8 to KCent Taylor and Ann Rutherford encounter some active moments in "Four Girls In White" opening Friday at the Norahore theater. Pic- tured with them s Harry Tyler, and co-starred are 'Alan Marshall and Florence Rice. The second feature will star John Garfleld,,being "Th'ey Made Me A Criminal." ay GOJNG STRONG .U tl hw JyMils and his orchestra, nowN.U tl h w -ee' L cimlu il v1oliJ Trnp," for F. "The Lady Vanishes,"l caugl for A and Young A. tuhis f - Wilinette TheatreH . March 31 to April 1-"Burn 'Em show Up O'Connor, " for 'F. "Off the is th( Record," for -A and Young A. and April 2 to 4-"Out West With the ballrÈ Hardys,"l for F. "Duke of West and iave ing lights of this y'r's Waa-Mu o! show, "'Guess Again! ," wmill performn along with. other student- talent at .oor the Daily Northweste'rn style show )om Fridày evening, Mardli 31, at the art Stadium theater,. Evanston. Begin- tted ning at 8:30 p.m. the show wi'1l pro- ýeen vide a campus 'band and a variety >ur, program o! entertainment as well *eal as a double-feature -movie and' the &Y cone ArrunDy ralasian weekly. A avor- bD5irsIN U&TKAUB 1 Clark Johnny Weissmiuller, many m star a 'champion swunmer, came i mIan4" i four. inches of water. Hei in hi$ bathtub, cracking his ci me 'Netro-ol(Oj r. "Butch" Barthi s'The à U unew. commuNi-r,ý