universty 2m0 WImte2602 __wiuetka 177 Iby Dormant SPRAY 0 SPRAYING 0 *'rtiMNUNG. FEIDINGO I T.. Suug.ry Ths'residence t, berng constructed for William R. Purcell at 110l Glenwoodavenue,. Giencoe. ----------- The I j feet.( willb bujît it *a conrnaderauoGn should be given, as> weli to the construction of your finew home 'i order to make your. investment, sound. 'Shoddy construc- tion cannot be toler&ted. Alost aIny article cari be Pu rchased for less ti one establishm~ent than ti ariother and to ail outward ap- pearances it looks the same, but to, our disappointmn ent it does flot wear as well, as* the other. This is due to the tacfàt that the quality of the materlal' s used, as well as the hid- den construction were, inferjor. These, facts should be considered when Planning, the building 0f your new home. The average person building a home has made this os nes and n from us as a )w thie homes go up. mM IIUýrayu Homes. is a list of the contirac- SaysJ. -Ownership of real estate and cernent, A u g u s t be kept widespread. nnc F. D. CLAVEY RAVINIA NURSERIESP mc., "ce M.d Nus*rio-es..êefl.Ili... aeDeetiId 36 I WILt4ETE 914 Agent AIII. V. ies mnust r- - , 16- . Homes