The picture above, demonstrates 'the' marvels of what paint andl care fui decoration can do to improve appearance of a house, according to W. H. Krueger, of Krueger and Danielscrn, 939 Elmwood avenue, Evan- ston, painting, decorating and general contracting flrm. The ho use has been painted whiteonl, on haif of its area and has been lef t standing that wayj to show by, contrast uwhat the diljerence is between paint and lack, of paint. is located at the northeast cqxuer of Lincoln street. and Green Bay, road, Evanston., 1 January, tary and Il5x25; Woodburning ireplaoe, cheerful dining room-overlook. ing wooded yard. Kitchen 10x14, 4 bedrooms, large glazed..,. sleeping porch. Lot 50x89-2 car garage. OPEN SATURDÀY P. M. AND SUNDAY or cail Mr. Burgener. W. -S.- HENNESSEY CO* 569 Howard Street GIW. 0471 Add D.oua*y and Value to Tour Hom. PAY ON OUR BUDGET PLAN .1 . 1 - -Ja . Building improvements of an es- "The month of March shows some timated value of $61,000 were au- pick-up in inquiry and sales anid we thorized in six permits--4gsued 'in look for a fairly steady business Winnetka the past week. Thrceedrn h eodqatr were for new residences; two for drn h eodqatr remodeling jobs, and one for a pri- "Our other departments have vate garage. made a better showing than that, of The Power Construction, company sales. We are particularly nleased Ave. C. A. H have startet at 1177 Ash of brick v ýom»prises fail led us to beilie have 'an especil spýrlng, especiafly reet. It is two stoi eer >construction rht rooms. The acthve .earIb the montha oi Private Roomas. Open storage space. Special rooms for upholstered furniture and rugoi. Silver vaults and fur garment storage. IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSU