6mmay frmthe HAT BAR, à stunnîng wrappod turban *of creple mn de.' lhcous pastel. and dark colors' with afloaflng veH; for. stili more fiat- tor-Yi $3.9. It's ýjustf - one of .the maoy perfectly grand hats from -the, Firit. Floor H-AT BAR priced, et '$2.95 and $3.95. in the MODERATE PRICE, SHQP ~They're, the kind of dresses you like to wear-superla- fively chic1 excellent in fabric, perfect in workmanshp. They're the kind of dresses that are a rare find - but the kind of. dresses the MODERATE PRICE SHOP special- izes in-and at Iess than $15! They're tbe reason for its unparalleled popularity ail over the North Shore. Junior sizes 9 to 15: misses' sizes 12 to 20-, womenus sizes 38 to 42;, ] Second crepe Hat Bar, 1 1624 0 i EDCAR A. STEVENS. mc. Mi Ae., Evon ston -yA 1/