WuI ý-N4 MOKIVP l iLMUDIAVY CARDS Statlocer y EXTRA SPECUAL for a imfed fimi MADAME CURUIE by Ev. Curie $3.50 edifion $1.*49 EASTER CARDS, w . the righf- senfimânf and original àoveltgos., Jedburgh, for the benefit of endowïng a house where once Mary Queen of Scots stayed while she was minister- ing. to Bothwell whien he, was sick, makes a speech Nvhich is one of the subtlest and wittiest recorded in al literaturfe. "What" said -he, "'is the differ- ence between 'a, Scotsmani and an Englishman? A Scot, wh erever he may be, has always at ieast one moment of the day when he leansl against the nearest object and thinks ofMary Queen of Scotse That is a romanitiè secret, at iast di- vulged. ' In Engiand they had a contemporary queen, a far greater' Frank Turgeon, Jr., Photo The family and> the publie lives of: he and his wif e are port rayed &Y Sidney Homer in, "My Wif e and I: The Story of Louis and Sidneyj Homer." Memoir.. Two Young soidiers at the front In France had béeen found asleep at their posts, tried:by -court-ý martial, and. condemned. to be shôt. A report of their pligh.t reached' Bishop Newman of Washington. On their behaif he pleaded for clemeéncy to high officiais of the army, even with the S.ecretary of War. .In every case mnercy was denied. In d es- peration. the Bishop caàlied on Pres-, ident Wilson. The. President heard him out, then said: "Every man. must. have justice. and I'w.ill at 'once give orders for the delay in the execution until 1 have ail the facts before, me." "The Sequel," Mrs. Wilson says, nt rescindeca their. vent Gardlen. She first ap- 1at the Metropolitan in New in 1900, and often sang there aruso, as well as under Tos- in the celebrated "Orfeo" re- of 1910, and in many other Facil Eoercise Anyone who might choose to write a book on the private habits of our Presidents would be interested in a report of Mrs. Woodrow Wilsons in her autobiography My Memoir. "After a long White 1{ouse recep- tion," she says,. "my husband loved herself, and at that she WUil e aedicated by permission to e iT i LwA iii n a perVectiy iuUierouU de àway -_a- sure proof his "gifted little friend, Jane Witli- way. He said that. after hours of. ~ c~.ch wmaners," who "siniply adores Bertrarn polite greetings and 'srnirks', coin- 1, sute, plly hmo again," and who has a Bertram ed resting just as other muscles of 1,fe gutemplike peheso doil in her collection. the body needed exercise." 'lume. As -for McCon- Jane, just completing her first The Turning Point it. person is to Barrie picture with a boy friend-little The precise turning point in Wood- Uàri x;i- t qir- George Ernest of the delightful row Wilson's lon g fight for the tting the tragedies of a lot of ople who were compietely care-, is of. their lives., ou$ l n-