Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1939, p. 56

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"Winter Kinks" Mie annual "Spring Swing" spon- sored b~y the Junior guild of St. Luke's Pro-cathedrai1 of Evanstoný WMl be held Aýprûl 15. at the Evans- ton Country club, Corrittees are busy as beavers planning 'a ful evenîng of :danciîng and bridge. Nat Fadin and his eight piece orchestra from the Unijversity o! Cbica go -wMl play for the. danc ing _andý Mr. . adin., an accomplished pianist, will'play request numbers during the interrniss ioùs. Supper will be served around midnight.. At- tending the 'Spring Swing" prom- ises t o remnove ail the winiter -Mrs. B. McKee Marcon. who, is general chairman of the party, is being assisted by the following corn- rittee heads: Co-chairman, Mrs. Victor Lothmon; tickets, Mrs. G. R. refreshments, Mrs. George W. Fhck. bridge, Mrs. John L. McConnell. gardenias-,-Mrs. Thomas K Mount: cigaretts, Mrs. Roy -Dingrnan; pos-, ter, Mrs. John J. Howard; pictures. Mrs. Hans Mueller; publicity, Mrs. Frederick W. Nichols: .and Ntrs. W. B. Pigatt .Working with Mns. A. H. Held on The chairman, is Mrs. Courtenay Davis of Kenilworth. treasurer of t.he society., At her home a meeting of the committee was héld Tue.5day. Assisting Mrs. Davis areMrs. I-How- ardinunos.Jr.. et Winnetka, Mrs., Harvey Scribner of Kenil>worth. and 'Mrs. Pbhlp, Ash. Mrs. William Stahi, and Mrs. Leonard Wilson o! Evans- ton. Proceeds from the sale of Eas- terý seals will'go into- a fund with wihthe society wi.I.l devote toaa new .endeavor-it:has started. a'North. ShReandicraft pro;ec t. Dinner for Visitor Mr. anid Mrs. Walter A. Jordan o! 125 Abingdon avénue. Kexilworth, of Mr. .ordan*s sister, Miss Anna Jordan of Glidden, Wis., who was visîting t h e Jordans for severa! days before gaing south for a fewý woýeeks' vacation. Mfiss -Martha worth avenue. rive home on .Tun Fujita Phot This decoration in a tL'all niche isaeof the beautiful arrange- mnents of. the 1939 Chicago Fla'wer show' ente-red bV, the Glencae Garden 'club. ivjj birds stand near iran grill tLork-paced aver piLnk-tinted grat'el. Grape hyja- cinths edge t he gratvel. The F"-.e-r show i& .open dàiZy 2JU week and will not close untÏ1 Sunday night. ta Methodist Ouild's 149 Keril- Program Dedicated . will ar- spend her T D i fLn r rntsT pri fL n For Phi Beta« Tea Mrs. Harry M. Snyder, patroness of Phi Beta. national fraterriîty of speech and music, will open her home at 28«4 Blackhalwk road. Wil-, mette. Sunday. April, 2- at 3 o'cloclç. to the members of MIpha chapter at Northwiestern universýity. "ta the* North Shore Alumnae club. of thi$ organization. and ta their patrons and ptoess Miss Edith Ostermnan, p resident of: the active chapter.. assisted by Mrs. Fred Barnhart,, Jr.. president of the alumnnae club. 1 wJ"! conduet a formai induction servicefor the fol- lowingc patrons: Lee I!Mtchel. Dan, Vandreagen, David, Van. Vactor, Eari Bigel.ow. and. Mrs. Walter. von Zitzewitz.' Several new' members will be welcomed into thse alumnae club by the membersb.ip chairman, Mrs. ,Mrs. Russell Gessel and Mrs. Gordon E. Cary. co-chairmen for the Studio Afternoon, the clubs ben- efit project ta be Èîven Sunday. April 23, mn the home of Mrs. James MýcMItlàn. another patroness of Phi Beta.. 4435 Sheridan road. Wimnetlka, will ask for reports fromn the foilow- mag committee heads: 1Mrs. Ralph L. Robinson, in charge of tickets: Mrs. Fred Barnhart, J r., in charge or ---; ----~ -- ~- ýce. Preceding the programn will be ce.ss Dorothy Louise Burns;. 1218 the board mneeting- at 10:30, Mrs. A. Giendenning road. Wilnette, is leav- L.1 Fuller presiding., and luncheon ing March 31, for Fairlhope, Pla., for all members served by the ta be 'the guest of Miss Norrma Fourth division, with Mrs. Raymond Glass af Glencoe. She will tnotor K. Lake chairman and Mrs. A. G. back to the North Shore with her Schw,,arm, social chairman- hostess ini about two xceks. . In an appropriate setting the after. -vice.< Announce B8th MIn. and Mrs. Arthur Hacker. 310 Park avenue. announce the birth of a da'ughter. Charlotte Rose. at the Evanston hiospital on March 12. Mrs. Hacker. the former Rosemary Swan- es~ oi waz given. emue. are cordially invited ta mee this.Lenten service. 1851 :om members af the Junior guild through the St. Luk'à church offi Brownson Circle Plans Ciizenship Day April 3

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