Evanston Fniday, Marcfl 31, li te French room of the Georgian hotel, aM Z occk, for 1aU members xIn ýP. E. O . chapters lI Evanston and Wilmette, wfih a*911unaffiliated i both towns havmng special Invitations to attend. Honor guests will be Mna. Wmnona Reeves, editor of the "P. E. O. Record"; Mns. Bessey R. Raney, corresponding secetary of the Su- preme chapten; Mns. Ruth M. Cruse,. first vice-president of the Miinois State chapter; Mrs. Beulah M. Thorutoxi, organizen of thie. Minois State chapter.. Mrs. Grace Dunshee, a member of ý,the, faculty :of Northwestern uni- suD30V wiu obe "roDlems of Fur- nisbing -Your Home." Such problems seem to arise often, partictilarly at .'this, time. of year wvhen everyone is moving- or 'wishing she: could ré- arrange lier furnitureAnx order. to! change the appearance of hier home.« Miss Cornel bas kindly offered to amiwer questions ln regard to fur- nishîngs andt aecorating. Miss Cornell's talk will follow din.- ner which is to be served at 6:45 o'clock. WiII Be Hostes laTri The Friends of Lake Bluff orphan- age wUll hold tbeir April meeting next Wecinesday monning at 10 o'clock at. the home of Mn. Marti B. Sand#,.914 Sheridan -i.roWd, Wil-. mette. 'Assisting the hostess wrn be .Miss Levita Adams,, Mrs. Chester W. 1{auth, Mrs. R. 0. Brenner, Mrs. P. M. Paulson, and Mrs. Milton V.. Sanden. Monday, March 13, about twenty of the members went up to the Lake. Bluff orphanage on an inspection trip.. The following Monday a party of approximately the same number visited the Central Baptist. home and then went or! the Lydia Children's home for tea. The teg -was, given by the staff of B~ooz, nesclay, when th~e organization de- iniver- cides what spring clothmng and other a son- purchases are to be made within the week, next few wee1ks. urning A new patroness of the Fniends of She Lake Bluff orphanage is Mrs. Wil- r the liam H. Bannes of Evanston. imbers be heldata; w hall at 8 o'clc vanied are the Thie regularr always on the each montha Northfield V i - April 1, iS & sponsored by club. It will field Village 1many and 'o be offened. of the c lub is Tuesdiay of la ter -oncmayo George is a sitv' J. - EL, ~. ~J. Lists »1% Company of