The eyes of the world are fixed on Europe. When will Hitler, strilce again, and where?,What wiUi happen next? What is. the portent to the rest of the world of that which h as already happeneci? These are ques- tions of the hour, almost of the min- ute. The answers are sought by everybody. ln, order to throw some light on a. sàituation that is engaging the at- tention of al villagers, the Wilmette Cwclea gue is breaking away from its customary discussions -of strictly local problems, and wrnl devote its next monthly luncheon meeting ,to, Total'19'38' Tax Bill Lower ThanyearAg Anaysi ShwsReal Estate U-p< an PronlProperty Low- er Than, 1937 -Lenten Speaker Wilmette wiUi vote i a 'Prefermn- tial referendlum nat the.Vilage elee. tion on April 18 on* the proposition of continuing under the village man- ager plan o! municipal administra- tion. This was determined this week when Village Attorney William M. James gave an opinion thal such a referendumn, which is purely volun- tary and not provided for by law, Would net affectthe legality o!, the election o! Village trustees te be