Neutrality Act bas no provision for applying, e c o n o m i ç embargoes against an- aggressor, 1bus it, en- couragesý an aggressor to act, be- cause that ination, .being stronger than the victim, cari get along with- out the help, of the, United. States and is in reality belped by ourin activity. Net Neu*rality The league feels that the present legisi ation is niot neutrality. It wa s passed to keep us out of war and the. league does , not believe it will even do that. The leagué is looking, forward to legisiation that wilallow the Unted States to apply embar- goes against'any nation that breaks its treaty obligations with us. Mrs. Utley called to the league's attention the fact that the Thomas amen4dment gvsdic tio t Cn gress tbrougb a majprity vote which means some delay. If this discre- tion were given to the President there would be no delay if immedi- ate action were required. PAMPHLET ON HOUS]ING Mrs. Maurice A. Pollak, chairman of the Department of Government and Economnic Welfare for the Illi- Fiisher of Winnetka,- Mrs. Raleigh Stone,. Mrs. Clifton M. Utley, antd Mrs. A. H~. Berg o! Chamrpaign,l local. chairman of!'arrangements. VISITS DAUTE19 Mrs., William Phillips arriyed Monday from ber home ini Detroit to visit her daughter, Mrs. Albert Dale, 24 Canterbury court, for a- week. Mrs. Dale is retuÉning homeý with her mother and will go on to New York to rneet Mr. Dale's moth- er, Mrs. Ida -Dale, and bring'her here for a, visit. Mrs. Max. Liviingston, 215 Wood- bine avenue, bad as her guests last week-end ber sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Levy of Louis- ville, Ky., and their son, Stuart, Jr. -The7 ca¶fte -ti elp ceýebrate .Mrs. Livingston's birthday. OLÛ-aî& (.. t. . . . . (LORD'S ANNUAL LISTER SALE) -MW W - a ___ W«M groups wnicn contains materiai 0ofbornaCity early Sund ay morning. the National Housing Act of 1937,~ Miss Allen,.was en route to Fort I which created the U. S. Housing Worth, 1wber e she wa s to join lWrs.' Autbority to make loans -and grants 'Harry M. Giles of Wilmette who to local public housing groups for bas become ili wbile away froni public housing projeets, Mrs. Pol- home, and to accompany ber onf lak's publication tells how the na- ber return to the nortb shore early tionl pogrrn iflaffct 11'S-1. this week.. Sbe bad only receiitly The agencies set. up in Illinois attended the late Mr. Giles who d ie whieb deal with bousing, as well as 9 Rnn ý" A STOREWIDE EVENT! ...