UNUversity 0056 For Tour SprIog RUG & CARPE? CLEANUNO. *1 Donkepg, toeU padded at the pedal extremiftea, will cavort oni the floor of New Trier Hifgh schooi gymrasitum. The nio:ome and some- times ornery beaatiea will ahare hcmors with bey ridera fibasket baU gamea to be staged April 15, with procçeda ùfgor>g nth the coffera of, the Park Ricige School for Girls. While the object, of the gamneI of te athietie department lu always was, explained, la the sarne as for overlooked when bouquets are belng ordinary basketbail, a numrber of handed out. I refer to the janitorial new rules have been ev6lved by the staff. promoters of this variant on the Beblnd Scenes sport. Like the, men behind the scenes For instance, the baskets instead at adrma. ll cangqnf '*noz a; they are no ke group from is the attitude' ,er, who ail too Sbe sornewhat bt At is a cor- an .impersonal e belief that,: it was condt than any of its 01. pubie. m8 BougJit Warr'ants rs S'orne years back, when New Trier >m High -achool was mn severe flinancial. ed straits, a tax warrânt drive was put lcoincidea start toi 1 '