Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1939, p. 44

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MARC 23,1939 ServiceClubs Some of us who see the membeçrs of Rotary, Optimist, Lions and other service clubs congregating, for- their weekly, ses- sions, may wonder what is, the purpose. Is it just to .spend a pleasant hour at lunch, chatting together of this and that,' or is. it of a more sericus nature, wïithà definite prograrn of achievement toward which they are working with: zeal, intelligence and high principles? Those who do not belong to any 'of these clubs should flrst realize that while each amay ",major'" inr some defli1ite activit 0f world-wide import, ail are vitally concern- ed in community affairs. Ail subjects per- taining to the well-being 'and advancement o! boy and girl movements, handicapped people, underprivileged persons, municipal progress and cultural growth claim their attention and support. It should aiso be known that these clubs. are to be brought together in concerted ac- tion toward peace and progreas, it must corne from the united efforts of individuals striving for the principies for which these clubs stand. Men of influence, local, na- tional and international, aftèr accepting the principles of understanding which the ser vice clubs espouse, can contribute in untold measure to the solution of many of peaters by gIving themn an interest in life beyond- crirninality. -It must be noted. that rnany of these boys core from. homes with not the best. environment, or with parents 'without a proper senise of responsibility for the training of the ebjîdren. That often, accounts for the misstep which brings themn into the criminal court. The judges cooperate b y sending these first offenders to the, county jail instead of' to Pontiac or St. Charles where they are thrown into contact with conflrmed crirniný- ais. When theyý reach the jail Warden Sain. takes them in band. They are completely segregated froni hardened inniates, and re- main so for the time of incarceration, and under continuous supervision. Zeuhedgr fo. arios ig sho'n nianual training departrnents are enlisted in teaching the boys, devoting severai hours a week. to this work. They are tauglit how to use tools and to make toys o! various kinds, baskets and other handicraft. These are sold to visitors, the boy Making the articles receiving one-haif of the sale price , the other haîf being used to purchase addi- ner of ail xnmates. At the expiration o! their ternis the boys are released under supervision, usually of a minister or priest of their acquaintance, to whom they are req uired to report regu- larly. They are also required to attend the church of their choice once a week.. The percentage of repeaters is negligible. When suddenly, appear the Jays, Who juat begin to aeold,ý And usurp ail the i eut trees, Their songs are harsh and bold?! The Red Breasts fight to hoid t heir ground- (Just like, the weaker sex); The Blute Jays:>wear the swastikas, I cali1 our; Robins "Czechs."1 -Attnabeile lMerrifild. Believe it'.or,,not,'scring ishere. It arive officially at 6:29 a. m-. Tuesday. And the weathér was really spring-like. A refugee fromr Vienna, arriving in America *Monday, prostrated hirnself and kissed the ground. A lot of people now yapping about the beauties of Nazism inight do the same thing if they had months, as was the man frorn Vienna. MayQr Kelly says he positively will "sling no mud" during the Chicago rnayoralty carnpaign, therefore he will not even mention the name of his onponent. Meaning that the nanie of Dwight H. Green is rnud? Ridicule is a sharp weapon, and in. competent nLi; rme, year corne at the sarne fte each year. If a taxpayer knew a year in, advance that Christmnas would be sure to corne on December 25, and that the first o! the year would fafl on January 1, he might put aside enough each rnonth to take care of his expenses and taxes. If thi s proves successful, they rnight have Sat- urday fail on the same day each week." Simply cutting, that. ,y corners to spoil the in wa r. Ived Brighten up the spade, the oe and the rake., THE PIfANTOM. REPORtTER Winnétka.

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