aenis i 4W Trier to gain a broad, view of varied vocations andin par- ticular to enable its mnembers to ac- quire more detailed knowledge oi their: chosen fields.. This. club is the' tlrst of its kind ever to be organized at New Trier. 'ne Career club is an ciutgrowth .of the vocational ajustment program which was inaugurated this fal at the -séhool in whîch 400 seniors- ha ve been given 'Vocational and psychol-' ogical.tests tohelp them determine their aptitudes and interests. Each senior.has been given two or 'more interviews with M. P. Nelson, di- rector of, the program, The Club became an -outgrowth of this actfivity1 Ij"CI-IIIIýeI 11 the dis- j tritstat spech league contest, ini I ratorical declamation, will be the reward of the, final'-winner. IFourteen orations have been writ- ten on "Mhe Privýileges and Respon- sibilities of American Citizenship"9 in the special çlass, and last week the.finial class contest was held. The following 'students were chosen t represent New> Trier in the Amen-i can Legion auxiliary contest : Bill Cooter, Bill Fletcher, Helen Sieber, Bernice Stein, .Dick Wade, and Dick Werthimer. The winner will repre-, sent the Wilmette unit at the county contest in April, and will also repre- sent New Trrier in original oratory in Pins and lake region of Me. beautiful north counfay.ý Riding sailing, .xrellent.swimmingj, Trips Of 1 ai nd. ..lLother land -ond ,water -sports. FEE-Ai.i nclusve-ii$325. 8 weks-J4uly lit to Aug. 26.. DIRECTOR-MARY V. FARNUM 1508 Oak Ayenu. Eyanston , iersfy 7183 j 1 Yur oyShouldGo.. to Cam This Summ4--- CAMP FOR BOYS Offers Fun and Safety Uneq ualled 4 Starting soon there will be a series SAa of vocational conferences on such Sae Latin Contest topies, as "What About College," Ha ving competed in the annual "New Careers fIo r Youth," and distric t meet of the -Illinois Latin "What Is the Outlook for Youth in contest,hheld last Saturday at Evans- the Professions?" A number of ton Eigh school, in which 20 schools prominent, business and professional participated, New Trier will be rep- leaders will participate in these con- resented at the sectional meet at ferences which will be open to the DeKalb, April 1, by two of its stu- student body and their parents. , .nt--*.. - -- committe love and men of pi chairman mittee;E the coni ,eJ~aLa6. ut1Lir uiiiers ana ratéd sperior; 1Mi e chairmen are Bug Young- cleet. I th Dick, co-chair- ePtul Gree nbterr ablicity; Matthew Gaffney,. vid Coller exell of the membership com man clasRI e nee ýud Stilman, chairman of cellent. erence committee; and _____ rr, cbairman of the tour~s ACTORS', ý.Mr. Nelson is the fac- ThAvo' ui r resh- ed ex, rnat:r wjln and In comPanY with selected. Heeat Hastings Y. M. C. A. Camp, a program of tested value buit hy a capable staff employing the finest of equipment and facilities creates the perfect setting for a boy's summer vacation. Here, YOIUR bn'v will ;.~---- i~ a 1 Lehman of LwiIl revlew an.. SLC 101:0 Ne &-. v.,fI I Evansifo. OPeataeqlby Irinig P<ipfe YMC4 4251 Irving Park R..od Pensacoljp »70 -MAN DAVi& 837 i the Fi a -new j --@Umm