North Shore have just been madle to the North Shore Property Own- ers association by Bennett and Prost, internatiiflallY known archi- tects and city'planrieri, foôllowing an extensive study of traffic, zoning and other important factors affect-: mng the area. Review of the zonfing. ordinances of ail North Shore communities, unîi- formn traffic regulationsand a joint enforcing authority, abandonment of the plan to build, an outer drive i lEvanston and a study o! railway grade separation with ,a vie* to ex- tendlng such improvemnent to Lake Bluff, are among 'the constructive qtti-nvç ued Afor'the reservation of The above picture is of a scene in «Ie .:n't Done Right bu Nell," a one-act play, by Wilbur Braun, whieh is to be presented along with the. "Great Chof ce" by the younq people of the First Congre gational, charch, March 30, aI ter the church cinner. Shown above are Ruth Mest- jian, Jack Chronic, Dale Chronie, Jim Mahie, and Frances Bourland. for real old-fashioned melodrama, the t o nsC d t on its ticket, remove eîlsier Fifer or Jensen, and place i nomination two additional Economy candidates.. A s econd pr oposition was it h a:t the. question of oper ating the village un- der the Village manager plan be submitted to a vote of the people. w hiec h proposition. was originally made bythe Harmony group and re- jected. This was agreeable to the Harmony group, but the proposed division of candidates was rejected. On Saturday afternoon the Har- mony convention was in session in the council chamber.of the Village hall, while Fowler and Brandt, with Edwin A. "Robson and others from the Economy party, were in another room. a b n,.b, ,t.Le.. .., i *V. s presented to the Har- tion and accepted. , It mnitted to the Economy ir meeting on Sunday .owever, another meet- ýonomy group was held avening, and the pro- mn accepted. emembers of the [and as Neil Per- -as Granny Per- as. Lolly Wilkins; .de of regu-fl a ad of which Observe J-.Lmy a iber placed Fort Sheridan, the North Shore's. this yea, own Army Post will hold open house tten f dram ittie 'cheers The: cast: F: kins; 1 i~4I e *U