Group would cause two of its candi- dates to' withdraw from the ticket and substitute two of the People's Eécony'Party candidates.. Tt wasý also, suggested that consideration be: given to the resignation of the Vil- lage Manager, upon terms entirely fair to him, provided such action would resuit in an harmonious seitte- ment of the points at issue. Th7e proposition was submitted to the People's Economy party by Mr. Kinne and accepted by them. How- ever, when the acceptance was com- nu nicated to the Harmony: Group, it was coupled. with a proposai about which there appears to be a mis- understanding, which made it un- was well received by an unusually large -audience. One business man wAs heard to remark: 'II hàtd no idea the"Townsend Plan was like> In his' address Mr. Chase pointed out that for certain financial reasons most of the metropolitan newspaper articles ini regard to the Towvnsend Plan consist of unreliable propagan- da and misinformation against its passage into law, and that Ai 1 nec- essary for everyone iterested in a permanent national prosperity and security to investigate through re- liâble sources. Read the bill itself, H. R. 2, as introduced into congress.. (Write your congressman for a ALASKCA pj mJ Samon 16-oz. con l10< FANO W ACK Uhhup ..5!4-oz.conlOc AMUNICAN HOME BRAND AMERICAN Jaaf Ch....0 . ILb22 . e wnere autflentic literature and formation may be had. -B. B. 1 APPJWOITION March 16, Editor, WILUMmLiM: On behalf of the Wornan's for kindnesi Mr. Huenry J was adopted omny party coxnmittee t basis of settV on- ove ing IWoman Struck by Car As Shimehoe «bmincht4c Fvohfoen 02 Ibm. 23c v