Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1939, p. 12

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-"Adagio") ....Rogers' Marie Btiel Intoit "Snchs"......Marie Eriel Ahe:"Breathe on Me' ............... VanDenman Thmun 'OfroySolo* "Ho was Desplsod" .....................Handel Organ Posludle:, "F!inale"....Rogers 'The second of the soies of, thrêe Unilon Loenten services Iwill ho held -SUÉ. day evening atl8 o'clock ah the Masonlc temple undor theo direction. of the WiI. Erskine M. .letfords wlll ho the speaker. 'he Church school meets Sunday moralng àah19:30 'clock. 1New enrol. ments may ho made ah any, time. Theý Inhermnediahe Epworth leagu. wil .meeh Sunday afternoon ah 4:30- o"clock. 'Tho Hlgh $chpol Epworthh bague .wtli meet sunday eve ning at 6 o'clock. Mr-. Chailes' T. Browning will speak on «'Eo. America" and wtfl show movios of Ne- gro sharecroppers in the souhh. Theha Upsilon Itho will meot ah 8 o'clock Sunday evening. A conforence on' "Education Today for Charaiéter' and Citizenshtp" wlll ho held March 23 and 25 at the Reynolds club, ' University of Chicago. The publie- is inviteci. Thomas H. West is the confer- ence chai-man. The Fouith division-<will sponsor a tour ho the Chicago Lightlng Institute:lN4arch 27. An interesting prograni and lecture. Mi-s. R. K. Lake has tickets. Th Protestant Wçjnan'sProtectorate will have ittsannual Spring 1uncheon at thie Sherman hotel Monday, Mai-ch 27. Bishop Waldorf will ho the speaker. Mrs. F. W. Burpeo 15 in charge of tickets. The Chicago Norhhern District Wom- an's Foreign Misslonary sociehy wil celebrahp its sevenieth anniversary Tuesday, Mai-ch 28, ah 10 o'clock ah the your reservations with lins. Ralph Moul- ding, Wilmette 2163. Lenhen . services 'are belng held each day 'from 12?10 ho 12:40 ah the Chicago temple. During the Lenhen period Dr. Willehh is giving brief talka on successive Sun- days ah the Sunday sehool hour. His subject this week :will be Te ol Church.' These. talks aire preparatoi-y1 to the Easter: Service of Baptism andq Church membership.1 There will be a meeting. of the. Par- ent-Teacher Training- class Monday' afternoon, Mai-ch 27, at 2. o'clock, in the guld room of the church. St. John's Luheran Wilmette and Park avenues' J. H. Gockel, pastor In the il o'clock *service the children'S, confirmation claus will ho examined ni the chief parts of -Christian' doctrine. The members of the clasa are: Helen Bach, Audrey Boss, Eleanor Carlson, Jean Engels, Marie Hill, Mary Neetz, Mary Roue Rooney, Anna Marie Schoen- berg; Evan flrumnmond, Edward Eggert, Robert, Homann, Richard Siegel, John Walsh, Roibert Witt. There wlll be no servce ah 9:18. Docause of the redecoratlng of the Sun- day school room, none of the Sunday school classes will meet at 9:30 or ah 10:155. The Bible class will meet iii~ the church at 9:30. For the same reason the Martha Guild will flot be able ho have ihi meeting this month. In Ahis- evening's Lenten service, at 8 o'clock, the order of service will in- clude: Prelude-'Aiid With'lias Stripes We Are Healed" (Messlah).......... Handel Anthm-"Must Jesuis Rear the Cross .pn?. .. . . . . .... . ans Offertory.-!nterlude . ..... ol Thie Sermon-'*The Brazen Serpen 't- ....Numbers 21:5-9 Postlu*deë-"When Along Life's Thorny Road- .... ..................'Bach, Next Wednesday and Thursday ove. ning ah 8 o'clock the Lenhon sermon will ho the sixth in the sertes of -Old Testament Portraits of 'Christ Cruci- fled" based on Psalm 22, "The Forsaken One."> On Sahurday, from 9 ho 12 a.m., the Ladies' Aid socioty will conduch a bakery sale at 1107 Central avenue. Musical rehearsais are held as. fol. lows: eoys' choir on. Thursdays at C. oô'cloclç, Girls' 'choir on* Saturdays at 9:30, seniors Tuesday and Thursday ove- nings. Palm Sunday and Easter sact-ed music and secular numnbers for> the April: concert are in rehearsal. New memnbers will be -recolved it.hie annual Evening Communion on thurs- day, April 6, and applicatons should' ho made at once. Baptismns will occur on Palm Sunday, April 2. Dedication of in-. fants wili also bo observed on Palm Sunday. March 19 witnessed by far our largout cohgregation in '1939. Newcomners and anyr without other cburch affiliation tn Wilniehte are cordIally Invited ho worship here. On Wednesday March 29, the Midweok service will be preceded by another de- 1,yhtflul nnon*eiaional dinnr. NearIv 200 were j~reseflt on 'Mai-ch 15. ue sure to sond in your reservations. St. 4ugustine's Rev. (Episcopal) Re.Hubert Carleton, M.A.,D.C.L., rector Rov. Chandler Sterling, curate FIPTH SUNIMY ]IN LENT Passion Sunday 8 a.m.-Hôly Communion 9:45 'a.m.-Church school Il1 a.m.-Morning Prayer and sermon FRIDAY, MARCH 24 10:30 a.m.-Holy Communion. AIl day meeting of Women's Guild ini Paish House - ATURDAY~, MRC ' H 5 Fe ast of the 'Annunciation 8 a.m-I*oly Communion WEDNES PAY, MARCH '29 7 a.m.-Holy Communion Sunday evening, March 26, the young people will be guests of St. Luk's Pro- Cathedral, Evanston. Ail those who plan to attend will meet' at the Parish House at 7 p.m. Sunday evening. CHUItCH DINNER The Mai-ch Church dinner will be served, Thursday, Mai-ch 30, at 6:30 o'clock, by the Neighborhood cii-cie, of. which Mrs. E. H. Burge is chairman. FlowingI the. dinner. two plays will be presenhed by the Kappa Pi Phi., Thoy are "The Great. Choice, a oieact dra- m, a nd "He Ain't'Done Night byNell,". a one-act meilowdraneri." Menbors and friends of the parish are urged. ho corne and bring their families. Reserva- tions for the dinner may be mnade by callmgË the church office. WOMEN'S GUILU The Northwest circle wlll meot ah. the home of Mrs. E. C . Hildrehh, 2006 Beechwood avenue, Friday, March 24. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. J. P. Balîman. andi Mrs. S. F. Johnsonl. Mrs. Margaret Filer.will givo a book roview. The East End cii-cie méeets ah the home of Mrs. J. Nye Macalisher, 918 Ashland avenue, Monday, March 27. The assisting, hostesses wlll ba Mrs. H. A. Whitman, Mrs. James Fletcher, and Mrs.. Howard Smnith. Luncheonwifl a short business meeting, Mrs. Louis Sherman will roview .The Demon D)aughter," by Honore Willsie Morrow. The North End cii-cie will meet this coming Monday for .a 12:30 lineon ah the home of Mrs. J. W. Aider. Mrs. H. B. Mulford and Mrs. Oscar Townsend will assist the hostess. UNION LENTEN SERtVICE The second of the sertes of four Union Lenten services wiIl be held Sunday eve- ning. at 8 o'clock, in the Wlrnette Masonie temple. The Rev. Erskine M. Jeffoi-ds of the FPi-st Methodist church wil be the omfciating minister. T'he Wil- .mette Luthéran church is 'hosh. P41tLO1 SERICE ThWs Thursday evoming '(larch 23rd> at eight o'clock, thére wil be a 'service given over to Gospel Hymns. Favorites will be commented upon and sung. A Voiunteer Choir wlll lead in these farn- tuiai melodios. Everyono jnterested is urged ho attend. leavo forOak.Park Confirmation class' wil meet on. Thurs- day .afternoons at 4 o'clock. I--IThe choir will rehearse on Thursdaýy ri .1 1 Ir

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