Glene"o' choicest Bspot. New face brick résidence- Exdeptionafly well --bIMft -and arranged. Only four years old. Large *living room, Ubrary, powder room, breakfast roomn, tiled* kitçben,' four. famnily bedrooms,2 lovely tled batbs. Large recreation roomn. Hot water où heat, 2 car attacbed garage. Beautiful lawn, sbrubs. etc. Offered considerably les than reproduction cost for quick sale. PRICE $37,500'00 MCGUIRE & ORR, Ine. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 3M Davis St.. Ev.. Gre. 1080. WiI. 22à 716 Vernon.Ave., Glencoe Glencone 13 147LTN45-ltc $60Oto $75 62.1 MAPLE AVE. EAST WILMETrTE IF -IT'S A NEW HOME: YOU are looking for thçz enyu-wIll1flot. appreciate the comfort and en.- joyment that this Weil planned older bouse will afford your fain- ily.ý The living roomn Is large and cheerful, the heated sun room and sleeping. porch add mucli for the famlly reqqlrlng extra room. Then ton, consi- der the beautiful deep yard and choice location accessible to al transportation and s c h o o i s. Priced now at$90 with good terms. SMART & GOLEE, Ine. 1564 Sherman Ave. Wilmette 2486 147LTN45-itc TILE ROOF, 3 BEDR-M., 1%~ BATES, hot .water $toker heat, 60 -ft. lot., beaua- tifullY laiidscaped. ýNear lake, - ast Ravinla., Out of twNm owner. Must sel' price $13,000, PAUL PHELPS, me. 2 North Sheridan Rd. Highland Pic. 4580 EAST WILMETTEHOME, Adequate for good-sized famlly. FPive .bedrooms, 2 sunrooms, ex. laV., extra rooms on -3rd floor if needed.* 2 car gar. Wooded lot close to schonle & trAns. Owner asks $12,500, or offer. FRANKLIN REALTY, EVANSTON' University 7777 147LTN45-ltc S. E. WINNETKA BRICK; 3 BEDROQMS, 2 BATHS. RUM- pus room basement, automatlc ht. gar. excellent condition. Owner auxinus will REID. & CO.* Winnetka 1492 147LTN45-ltc 553~ Lincoln Avenue lau. -OOK Winnetka 3450 147LTN45lte RMS.. 11,1 *re1lflI'D - TO SETTLE ESTATE Lovely rcei brick 10 rm. 3 ba. in excl. Orrungton .Dist. Solarium; Playrm-, Beau. iandsc. lot 89.5. x 163 and garden; sunimer lise. 2 car gar. witb studio. Mr. -Wni. Johnrson. Greenleaf 1855.' 147LTN45-1 HUBBARD WOODS ROOM porches SIX ROOM SOLID BRICK- ._OUSfE. Natural fireplace. Li 'ving room,. 22x15 ft. $6500. or $47 per month. For appoint- ment phone Wllmette 3095. 147LTN45-ltp. BARGAIN, $13,500. OWNER TRAÀNS. ferred. Practlcally new brick .6 rms.. M&~ tile battis, dble. garage. Phone owner,. Kenilworth 5211. 147L45-ltp 148 FOR SALE OR RE.NT-HàUSES FOR 1RENT OR SALE. BY .OWNER. 5. room residenice in Ravinia: 2 blocks from station; ail modern conveniences;- Hlot Water,,heat., plaster basemnent ccii-. ing; firePlace, tile bath. 1721 Broiadview Ave. Inquire in garage. 148LTN44-4tp FOR, SALE-VACANT VACANT BARGAINS WJNNETKA-Just reduced to $2,650, a lot with trees-75xl25-Best buy ini the GLENCEý72l82,well wooded. On Mon-' roe St., among recentiy built large homes. Real buy at $60 per foot. Also-the best buy ini a larger piece. near Skokie Ciub-142xl23. A site to fait in love with-$7,500. QUINLAN & TYSON, mce. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 177 OUTSTANDING VALUE! $75 PER RUNNING FRONT FOOT FOR beautiful lot 60x206 ft. Dead end street, .14 block to lake. Beach privileges to owfl- Ig., Wl ccç FRANKLIN REALTY CARL P.:1 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Uni. 7777 82 Temple Ct. 147LTN45-ltc IT'S NOT THE PRICE. OPEN F( uu 1724 HIGHLAND AVE., 41 Tramne house, good col 18t rooms, 2 baths, 3 porchEë ~5c2 Car garage. Lot 50x hl~I trni. ent $80. Open.,a] CHOICE1 IPark.1 I ider trad Idition in LANDER M0 WILIV, FT. LOT IN1 ef lake, $6500 smal homeir 147LTN45.Itpýl icon- con- ýay. â=9=1