849 Blin st. Winnetka 21Ô8 MORRISON MMRIL MARKERS . . .MOUET MAUSOLEUMS ApOpropriateness is the keynote of our work. Best ma.te1rials and workmnanshIp et a uaving. NELPFUL SERVICE - No OBLIGATION Fira NationalBank Bldg.. Evanston Untverstty 637e Winnetka 1506 15LTPW45.ltp HAY RACK PARTIES Martin Beinih-Northbrook 1030 Sunset Ridge Rd. Gleneoè 1016 15LTN454tp RICH BLACK SOIL Northbrook 248J PrePaire an early Jflveitory of your horne's requirements ào that you may take advantage of the pr- -Vai1n 1 n pAiNTINsa ^ND DlÏcORAT$Na EXTERIrbl BOUSE PAIUTING W. speclalUze ln outside only. Wth white lead and oil. Speçia water proof- lng added. Guaranteed to lest lwiceeas long-yet Our prices are the lowest possible. BIGHL.AND PARK 2851 25LTN44tp PAINTING & DECORATING ]DURKOOP DECORATINO SERVICEC Winnetka 710, 73 UPHOLBTFOteNG AND RAR LOCUST UPIIOLSTERERS REPAIRING, REPINISHING. REWEBBING. BERNARD REAGAN Wllmette 4Z59. Y2LTN4S-otp UPHOLSTEËÏDýGINTMUORS Custom Frurniture, RePaIrix¶ Eewebbing. SliP Covers, Draperies. neas. priceS. Ken- 5640 Josef Stulac, 582 Green Bay Rd. '72LTN4&4tp 73 UBEW#NgNMACHINE UEPAmRIN* BLACK,'COCKER FEMALE Must- dispose of mny 2 year old fine nedigreed cocker.. Quiet and obedient. v i n e with children. Sacrifice, $25. WXNNTKA2410. 11LTN45ltp IR I S M TERRIER PUPpy. WECLL bred, li0altby. Registered. $15. 1 100 Hutchiings Avenàue. Glenview 399. IlLTlgT4-tp' PEDIREEDCOCKERt PUPPY, PICK of thé litter; 22 moniths. Private pArtyr. Phone Kenilworth 4705. 11LTN45-ltp 1S BOOKCS SET 0F COMPTON'S ENCYCILOPEDIA, * E:3URNEYS THROUIJGH 80K.: LAND; BOOKCHOUSZ (VOLUMES 2,à. 5, and -6). .Reasonable. -Winnetka 761. 10GLTN45ltp I EUGENE D M1 asinto Ceroetr ~A. LUXE Carpeter &general repairs, sereens, reereetion room prclhes, cabinets, altDtom armkithens eodld Au PAWIING ANID M0ATMIm tra acceDt 6728, Novelties. Fi LTN45ltp cao. Young. 3 L n ~ - LTNB.tp80 ~ LADY'S Girl's PUPPIES. tnvifle, Ili. ILTN45-4tp 1155 I