MortgageLoans mlode * osuai ae Nortk h >rre ppt e Bia!o large uomt..n te suit. Prompt servie WALTER PRIEND M@ortgag.e.d Reaity C..- los West Mnroe. St. TOI. Rud.lph 5540 Chcago by Doroou5s SPRAY 0 TRIMMING 0FEEING 0 Tise. Surgery 15.wu on foreclosures fxue« 1in 4Cook coWty during the year 1938. During that year there ýwere 3,247 foreclosures, involving a. consi1deration of $35,949,- 564. During ýthe, year 1937 th ere were 4,843 foreclosures involving a consideration of $50,242,764. 93 shows a decline of approximately 33%Y in numnber and 30% in. dollar amnount as compared wlth 1937. Show Table A table of foreclosure figures"for theyears 1932 to 1938,incÙlu0ive, for Cook coukity follows: Year Number Amouut 193-9..............l5,302. 58,5,3 19.e3e...15,993 352,084.797 1934 .. 12,632 166,661,4i67 1935.........9,8u9 X106.590,771 1936..........8,69 94,613,274 1937...... ....... 4 '843 50,242,764 1938.............. 324 35,949,564 Comparing the 1938 foreclosure fgrsfor Cook, county with a re- pot eenty Iss u y the TedèraT Home Loan Bank board on non- farmn real estate foreclosures re-. jiorted in the majority of counties ini the twelve Federal Reserve districts for the same year, the association calls attention to the fact that Chi- cago made a very mucli better' showing in 1938 than. the entire nation as a general average. Fore-1 Show, Strong Gain in Private Owned Stock Bringing to a close this. month its third year of operation since receiv- ing its last stock subseription from the government, the Federal Home Loan. Bank of Chicago reported 'a gain of 70 per cent in the amount of cptlstock'privately owned during that period. Stockholdersý of private rank are, the savings, building and bQan associations: in Wisconsin and. Iglinois Wltich owned 15.84 Pet cent o! ail capital stock at the timfe th e last government subscription was put on the books andnowown 24.35 per cent of the B3ank's $18,741,711 capital. According to A. R. Gardner, pres- ident, this graduai evolution o! the reserve institution into a regionally- owned organization is a continuous process. Privately-held stock In- -crase-,14iOM rthe pat 1wëhré months, some $700,000 the preceding year and $780,000 the year beforer that.c During the triennium in whfrch ith ned without additional subscrlptions fromn the the bank lias advanced to savings, building sociations to help themn ne boan demand in WiE.. ,uuuW. .cward P. StemDberg, 205 West- Wacker drive, Chicago, is the architect, a nd the West Construction, Chicago, is; the contracting firm. A permit for a residence remoôdel- ing job, costing'$100, was issued -ta J. E. Camille, 2926 Wilmnette avenue, and H. F. Cerny, took ou.t a permit té build a vegetable stand at 845 Skokie boulevard, costing. $100. D.Schneider". Mi South to Pictur e Famous Gardeus Dr. C. 0. Schneider, 1077 Cherry Street, Winntica, whoseh o bb y . autochrome and other color photog-, raphy and whogse illustrated lectures on gardens and natural beauty spots in the United States are wldely known on the North Shore, Chicago and else*here, left by train Mon- Llay for Mobile, Ala., to spend a week photographing the famous Bel- lingrath gardens. In response to a telegraph message stating that the azalea season is now at its height in M'obile, Dr. Schneider decided to. J numnber o! foreclosures u u meinuer associations, and the year 1926 as 100 and coml- periodic epaymnents of advances. national figure during ýerwith 1938, filings for Make Way for New 1175.5% of the 1926 figure, ook county foreclosures Kenilworth Home were only 148.7 % of the r. "Considering these The residence oecupying the 200, is a very hopeful sign by 198 foot property at the north- ures have declined dras- west corner of Warwick road and Bellingrath, under whose owner- ship the gardens have been develped and becorne fanious during the past ten years. Located twenty miles south of Mobile, near the bay, on the Isle-Aux-Oies river, orginally the site of a fishing camp, the gardens are on a bluff overlooking the june-, tion of three rivers. Enhance Natural Beauty Dep.udable.SeoeSimse ZJUS [on. He begi] via -ater Easti *1 wwàmLoq nquu a1 1938e Mwovlag -Storug. ui 11926 M" il