group. Mr. andMi rs. J UFall WRU De the elub's guests of honor at a spe- A l,,uncheon. bridge party, with a prize for each'table, iàs sheduled by the club for 1i o'clock Saturday,. March 18 Piograms 'are scheduled by t h e club for the first three days next week. On Monday, at il1o'clock, Frank P. Breckinnidge will give the fourth lecture in a series o! ,financial talks, and at 3:30 Tuesday after- noon the members of theboard will receive at a club tea. Mrs. Waldo L. Gundlacho in- netka will be one of the' club's speakers on Flower day, Wednesday of next week. Third vice-president of the Garden Club of Illinois and a member of the Winnietka Weeders, -U- ; U d - f*mM - thpMW annual Chicago Flower show, and wil discuss sorne of its "Highlights and Sidelines,I' at 11:30 in the morn- ing, and will be the club's guest at luncheon. At 2 o'clock that after- noon, Violet, C. Lau will talk on flower and table arrangement, and will demonstrate with a table set in the lounge. Miss Lau spéaks from long experience in the art of ar- ianffinf flowers, and iwlU give mem- Mrs. N orTri s C. Flanagin of Glencoe 1* chairmcrn of the ex- hi bita which the Slcokie Garden% Club of -Glencoe is entering in. the Chicago Flower ahoi» to be: held on the Navy Pier Mfarch 25- April 2, under auapices of thse Garden Club of Illinois. Kaskfiskia D. A. R. Now Plans Guest Day Program Members o! the Kaskaskia. chap- ter, Daughters o! 'the American Rev- olution, are anticipating their next mneeting, which, on Tuesday, March 21, will be held in the Chicago His- torical Society building, North ave- Mrs. Oerald Pauley and lier com- mnittee consisting of the. foflowl»g, will have charge of tea , after the program:» Mrs. Lionel Algoren,, Mrs.ý John Pott s Barnes, Mrs. Charles Bronson, Mrs. Richard B3ryan, Mrs. Paul Cutter, Mrs. Austin Eflmore, Mrs. Henry Embree, Mrs. Howard Gll, Mrs. Lee Hoflinger, Mrs. Wil- liam Mabie, Mrs. Paul ýMorruson, Mrs. William Moulton, Mns. Clifford Makellm, Mrs. Foster McGaw, Mrs. Harold. McKenzie, Mrs. Orville. ýO'Nelll,' Mrs. Fred Ringley, Mrs. Dean Rosensteel, MrO. Court Toel, Mrs., Francis, Unieli, Mrs. Egdward Vandercook, Mrs. Lyn Waldorf, Mrs. Nelson Wettllng, Mrs. Robert Whitfleld and Mrs. Stuart Yantis. REMADU $395 Low as... .. AlSO SpeciolikIal la R.mva*Iug "'The MeifressStre" BRA1ICI'S SLUMUUR SHOP 1506 Sheruman Ave. Uni. 2820> UN LOVELY COLORS HAVE AS MANYCOMSIt4ATIONS ASYOU WIS5 N, A. HANNA 1 N c SPANISH COURT NO MANS LA ND Setilement Benef An active section of western University setti, ior board, is the needli whlch meets alternate rit Guests of honor will be the state andi national officers andi regents of fthe North- the Fourth division. ement's Jun- Assisting hostesses for the day are, [epoint group Mesdames Lucius A. lime, Davidi Wednesdays W. Kimball, Raymond J. Koch, neetilepoint Frank D. Potter, Thomas A. Quais, This group Joihn R. W. Sargent, Louis A. Sher- Mrs. Drury. Davis li the neetilepoint group L. Scott, Jr. p is pre entire board.. .1< ~ 1 1,