WI**u4~e shWowa s - "d btmner, sprinq can-'i The Thfrteth 'AmiuaL achaeo -f the Gértten C4~b of iios. vili lie leld lhis .ear at iýar7..Pýer ~(rh25 trough Ari Z7 The Ckàisaqo WIower show i he OWzy ma»3oe ower silo* in the. com- *7 *M. ln whu5Iye amateur andti ma -y am tat iw Managed' by tie. W=nfl cthe. -Garden Cluba teim- MLves. Zach, sprmrg and guiuer the executîve cmnii=ee a ofthe. club, ýdrawn frSni icýieal rrden clubs ail -,iv« the tatp. and zte coard cf tdi- rectorai te Garden ut u Ii f ijis,i hu4L eag neary as te Urne (i te so.maim Dgla ufbr nt year3 exibitoei.The lterne cf the shaw js dec±ded and a gsedule nt exbubitg iemý ta the clte in Setmiber Ut je necessary lIýat aet.ve plans be made far m advanrciý as piant mIateftia[ that .s forrc.d ýnro tm muet he gtarted Weeici an-d rnnntis lhead.. y a <arefùI sser i linglni( te plants cut ntn the sun- ghine and warmnrh if -le :x 'n housea an~d lien reur:.ng 'hien - tit cooItess and 3hade aga-.n. . Chart-W (tzLàenn -Ji int«Wee. tt n ecivrare rrn-' Montiv ession a- te lenUrvnr-Ji Annuel Bridge Tee 17xuo1 church- . ne-mer:, 3 --le _Ken- 3octe ,ifChcago amrir.cved pians mi- e -,c~ f -te W rmetka for ize!ir iiwrng prgam- On xAprd 'v 3r P14ae ';:yenae à>'1k te nnaihe m 2l hci, v4%ý. - ia~ ns, f,-, r r ea: extiuhiz and. ea -;vl aice lacti. Zr, rde aand fa3ih.rr. 3hn,ýw. vi4 7ntat-ins -vii ce _-ssuefi :Ze eX~ent 's --, tit p1i àcFe aa a ter - vip_ i 'ii e CeLda7:-le lio- e of - i Gr.. Ia.-Cil ý. te celi:tb-gIist*. wch Ms WryAdiadeÂ~isn ~a ~-l ia- nr e dra. viL7pre- an fr.LstmDubra g ent the fashc-ýn g&r.x.w. vt rifes-. ïrha-e f fngee.itnrs .r -ls 3cr.ai m odeis ds2a i e la test Iar-g :ea. tn.g n.. à" z cf rerandise -~ ~ c inne ane May 1 .az t - verung and dmrer. grrvIls . c VUia Moàernme. _s norher crc!jec*,f 1a"-irzand sprts v . ear 4A1e- the cuitner -e, !leipra .se frnds frr 7_s . ~;sr nNwYr~sien quota. :~~r ar( t;s nurnbers f r te s w ~e~ra:~es v ie~1!d ai d- e ae cdes frirr 7Ianes, if te ' acic an.d Jni shox3 is- :ncdeled ?7W-nnetlc jimeries. w iPa7 Marc!hz l MzL. Gus '--e shcwn yt Bb ur' & schwarz ivýfl ce àGzosess 1a: a kmt. -f Ea~r.tne e~rca '=9 and sevuig tea a-, izeýr .ie nx -f 11-ss W.1 za !i: Vnorthdeif. Qu( ZI îedaa f erh tecre E~dr~h~i vanszrn *L.~cc e7d Ter~-dr -ave a 31fl11ar tes. Aaother 3n IMarci t ae on C be ~vtd -v.- hiiave for ts hnsrese, lin. J ir- f'r ~~~ua c tteif Wnxnetica. arnd mi Aprlî~r-th~~ -Mrg. fGîerlse 7arizetz -i ndian ~ _ýS_1ýhe eS -V-11 àa-rd a:MeMberc e-a 'v-_erxneG Cci ler i banec-anc ;,:, ~ andrese~ajc.s. rd. 30L erazeinui e C.;ardfen Club if : £ ios inthte Chicago Flower shOw. Their dispiayr ai pot plants an-d cut 'I!owe titis year prcimrisp-s t ae t iss far, accorriing A~ Geor-geCWeard ehairman ai te Allïed YF)-r.3-z e- ecutve omrntte. ne 4rcwerl enmpeto- for caah avards et~isit by die Garden. Club i minois, ..ec ci emiiýers rcf -le apr:-v' 4- or grupciF 1c r - DeartoCrn- char*rciDaughters ci te A,=r- car. ~';clui-on fr the evening Aor: 1.a: c io<lc.at e bon-.. f M:;. Z. . F:a:Lq. 24 st-n ~ Mr -i.ncrnas(--,. (vara- c-ha-.nan cf te 1 cer a-, :i 31-i. Z~LCt T ~ '4 Distrib.rtes Tickes --J, Drama Reading Is Program For Junior School Frends, ~crt Shcre Fr:encs ;un~cr ichool are az::c~' a: ;Lea st~e. te:; anno ng Phebe ae~r:c~ ~f uas. o!f 44