Tirj"look alile-but Atth a,,L insuracepolicles Ioo 'vry uch 8like. ut he ealtest ltheserv- ice that you receive after you have had a loss, or an arcident, and present your elaim. Wise property own. o.rs are "conpany consei- ou- theyr look imb the stability and reptilon of the eompany baek of their ~POl*P! -. EBERLE AGENCYI 522 Miss Langher has ju st received her private pilot's license from the C. A.A. after compiling 100_hoursÉ in the air fiying from"Curtiéss Reynolds Field. She also) has her radio tele-ý phone operator'silicehse. "Colonel Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic so inspired me as 'a school.girl that 1 determined when I was somnewhat older I would learn tofiy," said Miss Langher. "I first soloed about four years ago but then quit flying until rather rècently when I began to study under the direction of Pilot Slim Savage of the North Suburban.Flying Service at Curtliss field. I certainly think that it gives- agreater zest in employment with, deal of time out- Ianeet some, of the counselors. and. of-doôrs. other campers sas well as the director Camp directors of! the, camp- in which you are seri- everywhere a r e ously interested. busily making ap-ErI uyRgAi pointments w it h Early investigation facilitates se - parents and pros- Jection for the parent in several, wàys. pectivé campera In the first place, man»y camps close so that their en- their enroîlment, on, or before- the rolîments wilfl >e first of May. Thisnieans that late, completed e a r l y enrollment eliminates some of the and they can give cms in which you might especially, their time and at- wish to enroll your child. In the tention in M a y second place many' out-of-toWn. di - and June to get- rcosPlan a trip to the Chicago ting their camps Ma&rrie. Lewy area in. the spring during March or ready for the va- (Bernie) April and a personal interview with cation-time campers. the directoir rather'than a representa1- Ceamit laverai Camps! Itiv of thwe hosen campn. iii alwavy ant camp Lime and toose ex- let the rnes-ask Let your and get and, the, oplcal Brazil"la i the tltle of a I preparation, for heavy. traffic ecture illustratied with motion to. and frorn the World's Fawiri New es to be presented for the gen-- ublic at Field Museum o! Nat- York, the New York Central will flstory Satûrday, M~arch 18. soon put, into operation fifty addi- or James C. Sawders of tional coaches and thirty-one diners, r, N. J., noted engineer whose ail of which have been newly air- ýsion has taken hlmf on travels cniindadip vd .W ýut-of-the-way regions ti manycoitoe an imrvdL.W ies., will be thre speaker. In Laridman, general passenger tramei travel e