N~ew Trier .i-ign schooi varsity bas- ketball .team. He succeeds Earl Borre. New Trier was eliniinaàted from the'state tournament at Elgin by Genoa, '29 to, 8, Wednesday o! last week. Morton, ofCicero, 'went on to. take the sectional championship. Clyde Grater Ireceived arinounce- ment from the .,Oak Leaves, Oak Park community newspaper, that the All-Suburbain ca ge teamns had be en selected. Nine . e! the 10 whom Grater had nam ed were i- cluded, although ther wer som player t( to the ul was popi ty Ja c who led scorers Jack Long (Lehie) Dy a 40 to 35 score, i the latter'. pool.,-.7e- win concluded a, dual- meeèt record mnarred only' by a de- feat at the hands 'o! Rockfrd-a defeat wic was someiwhat. eased later,, when, the. Trevs tlnished well abead: of the Rockford boys in the state rneet. Johnny, Clarkc, usual, was the individual flash for New Trier; lie took firsts in both the 40 and 100 yard. free style races. fletermiine Wlnner- Second and third, placing actually determined the w1ieri for. Jackc Davis' flrst in the diving and a triumph by the 160 yard relay H-. Condon and to get togeth( Nay and Paul team reknown, ation. No gri coaches in thý .B. Ja William rwith THE CHARGE FOR THIS: SCIENTIFIC EYE SURVEY IS VERY NOMINAL Phome for on Appointment Dr., H. A. Hattâtrom & >Associates Successors te OPTOMETRISTS & OPTICIANS DESIGNERS, MIAKERS AND. FITTERS 0F THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES AND -EYEGLASSES Phone UNIversity 184 Jack -Mi kll, Don Wilson, and B3ob Howefl of New Trier were U given honorable mentions. Bi With the awarding of letters and certificates last Monday, and the 2. issuance o! composite scoring o!f1 the 10 New Trier players ini theB NEW JLI Mr. anid Irs. Ct their two daugl Mimi Kay, movei Chicago to 620 Gre former residence Strayers. lin Califori parents w them. EVANSTON 702 Church Street vccc *1*-ju..n 1. Clark (NT). s(C). Time :56 '), 2. Schact (C for S ig I