been selected to arrange the pro- gram and are busy now wltl the final deta ils. The followig boys have bèe chosen as, chairmen of * their commnittees: Vincent Oatis, arrangements; Dlck Buenger, pub- licity; Norbert Laubach, track; Lin- coin Lipplncott, swlmming; DIck Cordts, voUleyball; AI Bruschini, I basketbail; Jim Wigglesworth,' bad- minton; Walter Baron, boxlng; Ran- ny Davis, ttumbling; Dick Krlebel, handball; Don Frissell,-table tennis. The indoor track wlll be the scene of a rapldly moving exhibition now -t---byeing jjýnned by Norbert Laubach, J a niexber of New Trler's Suburban *ILeague Championship Track *Team., anoer.' G ' r seep now, SoTIny, that's ail for tonlght. "My goodness, Hubby, talkinig about ovens anid ail those. goodies to Junior reminds me of the New Trrier Girls' club bake sale! Let's see:- Ida told me that it will be in the old Dutch Oven location i Hubbard Woods on .... hmmm, oh, I know, Saturday, March 25. That's at 906 Linden avenue. l'Il bet the bakery assortment wifl be even better than last year's. 1 know enough to go early, because they do sell out 30 quickly! '"Don't you think it's wonderful the. way the girl s cooperate by don ating, their specialties? That nieans that. s' Photos by Ray Bloom Two scenes from "H. M._ S.: Pina fore," the ýGilbert and Sul- livan opera to be given .this, Friday and Sa turday, by the stu- dents of New, Trier High ac'hool are shown here. i Veli, lefs wlnd up the dock, and k the 25th on My calendar so 't forget the Girls' club bake Is to swirn or pass the pxc ast *At the side are F'rank Condit who takes. the part of Seaman Rai ph RackstraUi, and PhyllUs Trump, the captain's, daughter, Josephine. Bird Authority Will we 1, knowp speaker on birds, next STuesday in the auditorium of the New Trier High school at 9:45.. Mr. Deusing, a naturalist and lec- Sturer of the Milwaukee public mu- seum, lias conducted research work will have one of New Trier's best in the rnarshes of Lake 1oshkonong, tumbling and gymnastic acts ready Wis., for two years. He lias taken for March 24.moinpcueofmn, te os New Trier is not lacking ini handmto-itrso mn fte.ot Inl "!ý ýI-d1 elusive birds in the swani On ir 41 .1dale. As 1 rugby game and rr ance t r or Wrho