Iuartun, servea as the representa- tives of, the American Friends' Serv- ice committee in the Quaker'Center in Berlin, Germanyr, fromf February 13tothe late summierof 193g. This Center is the outgrowth of the Ftiends' Chlld Feeding Mission dur- ing the years after. the World War, and has continued as, an agency through which Wo seekineatol understanding and' good will.« ,It Is> a, co-operative. undertaking of Ger-. man,, E nglish and Amierican Friends. Aibert P. Martin is a graduate o!. . etweas guide-iecture tours for the generai publice t Field Museum. of Naturai Ilistory will begin on Monday, March 20,with Animais of Coid Reglons" atM3 p.m.. On other: daes, at the 'saine, hours, subjects wil be: Tuesday, "'Trees and Their Us'es".; Wednesday, "Man Through the Âges";- Thursday, a - gener ai jour of anthropologicai, botanicai, geologicai and zoologicai, exhibits; and- Frîday, "F i e 1 d MuÙseum Bronzes. " These tours, conducted by staff lecturers, are open to al museum visitors. Parties assemble inside the north entrance. -, l MU ae WU former Big Ten players, E. L. Lange Jr-, 'of Wisconsin, and L. Stanley ConnollY, formier Cicago star. The team is et -the Peakç of its form and has an excellent' chance of reaching the final pliyoff round on March 27 at the Biackhawk Park pool in Chi- cago. ]Ed Snyderï Jr., of 1615 Eimwood avenue, was rècently home for a week-end from Purdue unlverslty, Where he is a.student. April 1, hé will be commng home.for the Easter vacation. IWIE BOLDT "S. 1 1 1 MAKI YOU P Ný