politics depends on organization." Mrs. Hall. gave a brie! blstory of the, club. She told how At came into being as a resuit of thé lnterest and entihusiasin of a smeal l'banid o! Republican w#omen working in. the presidential camfpaign o! 1932. These women, !ew ini number, rang the doorbeils of their neighbors, kept telephones ringing, went from house. to. house distributing hand dodgers, and staged a hiuge Republican rally. Trheir enthusiasmn survived the elec- tion, and the Women's Republican club: of New Trier was founded ini 1932. Since that ieth club has expanded and, now includes the Ite- publican women of Glencoe, Kenil- wvorth andi Wilmette. It was reor- ION^ DRARTLEJTT PEARS N 0. 2Y15 LARGE PALMOLIVE SOAF..MR5 RED CIRCLE GOL.D MEDAL D. R. Stevenson, Jr., of. the mem- * bership comrnittee. Tells of Endorsements Mrs. Lewis B. Ermeling,, vice- president, froin Wilmette, welcomed the women. Mrs. Walther Buchen, chairman of the candidates review- * ing committee, told of the increas- ing power and prestige of the com- of thie Cook c( tee o! the RE told o! the cari mitte investigý it weighs ail fý ment follows. Mrs. of orgi precincL an party. She AUN RACS which the coin- TeALMIBODCS ýanidaes;how Th !irst exclusive University 01 bndidatense- Michigan Alumni radio broadcasi befre ndose-over the coast to coast network oi the Clunibia Broadcasting systenr ers will take place Saturday afternooný lood, chairman March 18, from 2 to 2:45 o'clock. AI] ôrted that the altamni are urged to "listen in." nd block work- CONDOR COMME~ .C2 are plan stTel-rei 14 ares Thej ai Lain *B WayIt, Au gust to be 3 PIGS.