The special music for next Sunday mornlng. as. arranged by Miss Marie 3lel, crganlst,,dlrector, will be as fol- Iows: Organ <04) a'Cathedral. Shadows"......... Mason ~'anenaton..........Gulmant lntrolt: "Sanctus".....Marie Briel ! 'Whereso'er Thou Walkest" ... Priske Offertory Solo: "Great Peaée Have '[bey Which LoveTby Law"'.....Rogers 1' May A. Strong Organ Postlude: "De Pr4funls"............ Bartlett Next Sunday markes the, tint of the «sertes of Sunday Evenhug, Union Lenten Services. These will. be held through April .2. Tii. service Mareh 19 wlflbë Ln tbis church, and the. Reverend John G. Hludley of the Congregational church, wlll be the speaker. The special music for the Union Lenten service wlll be: Orgaua Preliade - -Air for the. G String"........ Bach Alem,? "«God so loved the world- . Stainer Organ Offertory: '-Kvensong" .. .Johnison Organ Postlude: 'Toccatta".............. EBoellman The Wesleyan Service Guild wlll meet Tikesday, March 21, at 8 o'clock at the, church. Movies on 'India.", Fira't Congre gationald John' G. Hindley, ininister .Robert A. Edgar, assistant minister SUNDAT :SERVICES 9:0.........Cliurch sehool 10:50......eginners and Préimiaries il............. ... ýMornlng Worship 4:30...»....... ........... Amici Dei 6.30 .................... Kappa Pi Phi 6:30............. Theta Upsilon Rho The titie of Mr. Hindley's sermon for Sunday. is 'C hristianity Against Ail Its Competitors." The mugie wifl be as follows* Organ Prelude- Andante Seraphique .... Debat-Ponsan Antlem-ýGod Se Loved the World' ......... Stainer OffrtoreDuet-"So Thou Liftest Mr. Tenney and Mr. Learn Organ Postinde- Marche Solennelle ......... Borowskl - CALENDAR FOR1 THE WEEK Firat Presbyterin Nnth, - treet at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen,. minister "The Recovery of a Lost, Word,"'.wMJ be the theme of the sermon by the minister at the mornlng worship servie Sunday atIil o'çloek. We cordiafly in- vite you to worship with us. The music at the mornlng worship service will be as foflows: organ prelude, "Hope,"' Yo n, processional, »Welcome. Delightful Morn"; anthem, -God So Loved the Wrld," Stalner: solo, -How Beautlful Upon the Mountains," Harker» organ postlude. "Marci" (Athalie), Menhdeissohn. Mis sErma Rounds le di- rector., departments at 9:30 o'clock. The Aduit Bible elass wlll complet. its I ~U*~MN ~ ~U&~ ~44I 4~M~ ~ i.UU~-~ a~45.U4~W img, A new series on "The. Prayers of the Bible," wiUl begin shortly. The Communicant's class, led by the pastor, willmeet at 9:30 o'clock. This class wili b. presented for church mem- bership on Palni Sunday. The Tuxls club will discuss the theme. "How Shall I Decide My Life Work?" at its meeting at' 5:30 o'clock in the chapel. Ail young people of high school age are invited. Lord of Lgt" ............ Gilbert offertry-"lf Thou But Suffer. Ood to Guide Tii.." .... Bach The Sermon- 'The Scapegoat'b......... lev. 16:21 Postlude-March .............. Sending on Sunday, at il «dlock, the order of service will include the followlng Prelude-Alegretto.........g agalu Introit-"«Rejôice Ye -ý1: -With .erusalem"......Schmauck Offertory-"ýO Thou Who Dost Accord Us" ............ .Bach The Sermon-"Permaiient and Passlng"ý.........*....Luke 21:33 Postlud- Frestival March ln D......... Senart in the eveningÈ "question-box" service the order «f"servie will include: Prelude-Andante from Piano Concerto. i D Minor ... Mendelssohn Anthen- "«Lift Thine Eyes"...... Mendessohn Offertory-«'Song Without Words".........Mendelssohn The SermonBaed on questions asked by young people and others. Postlude-F9nale froni Sixth Organ Sonata ...... Mendelssohn In the fifth Lenten services on riext Wednesday and Thursday the sermon will be based on Numbers 21,.5-9, "'The Brazen Serpent." MEETIN~GS Sunday echool staff, today, after the Lenten service, Adult- catechumen classes, Friday and Monday. 7 and 8 p. m... in the pastor's study. Martha. Guild. next Thursday, 3 p. 'm. * . .y c. a .me *c...a. super - intendent. Our young people wifl meet Sunday evening as follows: 4:30 p. m~. - Intermediate Epworth league in the Girl Scout room.' 6 p. m. - Higii Sciiool Epworth lbague i the high sciiool room. 6 p. m. - Tireta Upsilon Rho In their own roolu. MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE The Boy Scouts will meet at the church-.Wensa vnn...... .m Wednesday evening. The Wednesday Evenitig Bible Hour The music for the. Service of Worship will be lield at 8 o'cloCk in the chapel. next Sunday mornlng is as follows: W. will study the Book of Psalms, ini Prelude-Nocturne in B Major - Chopin an eff ort to get at the secret ofl te Anthem-Tuîii ye even to Me .. arker book for Christian Living, We invite you The Choir to study witii us. Solo-Thou Wilt Keep Him inPerfect Peace (Jerome Nevis> service. Attend, durNid-1 ýek 'Lenten. ser vices RAi Il M rT .1