Uploh, Citro Carbonate 4-oz. 57j 8.0z. 89C -l.$1.63 TUTTI FRUTYTI 8.1ew... 2 Loyers of BUTTERSCOTCH 22c TWO Gueit Speakers lI the alternoon and evening, two guest speakers wil fMature the an- niversary activities. At 4 p.m. ,al organizations of the church, mem- bers and friends are joining ini a great mass meeting at which time Dr. H. A. Ironside, who. bas just recently returned from a tourý of engagements in Ireland and Scoit- land and who is intern 'ationally known as a preacher, Bible teacher, writer, and pastor of the Moody Memnorial church.of -Chicago, wvill be the speaker. At 7:30 in the evening, following special music bv the choirnmale A former assistant pastor of the par- ish. Father Shevlmn wa s a Chicago boy*, educated in Corpus Christi and St. Brendan's Parochial schools, Quigley Preparatory Seminary and was ordained at St. Mary-of-the- Lake Seminary, Mundeleiri, Ill. fis first assignment was St.' Francis Xavier,'Wilmette, and he is at pres- ent chapl ain of the Oak Park hos- pital.. The club 'anticipates a ca- pacity attendance. Faiher Shevlin bas always been a favorite of the, parish. After the parents, have inspected the children's school work they Will assemble in the school auditorium- at 8 pjm. for the meeting. Leo. ,HURCH 0F CHRIST, S( Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Subject: SUBSTANCE READING ROOM Il3 3 Central Aveiaue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.Mf. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 'the Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other author Science Literature may be réad, borrowed or purchased at the R Leadercompo. one of the out- The [ Cristian lead- by Giý ates, who in his lows: m oe of the principal networioe. Hi IAil former members of the Sun- Iday sehool, and friends of the church 1Pc jliving on the North Shore are es- C'b pecially invited to the anniyersary mi will re itions. group, accom- Arns. C. A. the children's cornmittee, headed ,son, will be as fol- Siamin, William E. 3erghoff,, and Louis hosts for the eve- fathers of the third ickey, and Th omas H. Cale Mrs. Howard J. Hickey ha Dinted Mrs. James P. Reich iairman of the nominating sap- mann corn- I I I.