me' 1151 WILM 51 LINCO t' OVEN Concerto No. 5 ini E Flat Major (Emperor) .... $10 tui, Scbnabel and London Symphony LK Symphony No. 5 in E Miner (New J'orld ........ $10 ladihia Symphony Orchestra, GrndCanyon Suite ............ 1......... *... $5,50. tui Whiteman's eoncert Orchestra, RD STRAUSS Thus Spake Zaraîliustra ..... ......... $q 'ston Symphony Orchestra, ER Tamxihauser Overture, Venusberg music>aild e toact 3.......................... $9 iladeiphia Symnphony Oérc hestra (NewRe*ording) 1ETTE AVE. QUN A WILMF.TTE C... >LN AVE. JO0I1N T H E VICTOR RECC ýTo HIITS1 P rice uny... ., .1i A HEART 0FSTONE ...................Hall Kerý npmiOrch. HIOLD TIGHT .............. ...... Tommiy Dorsey ani Orch. PICK-A*RIB, Parts 1 and 2 ..... ........BRennY Goodm'an .Quintet SWEET LITTLE BUtTERCUP'.. ... Larry CIinion and His Orck. <From Hi. M. S. Pinafore) PENNY SERENADE........ ....... Samnmy Kaye and His Orch. REORD' WINNETKA SO:CIETY TOýD.A-Y! VV uLME a a WiNNETIA 4141 .~ .~.* Even the Weather Man cast for Mardi. crosses his fingers whe n hemakes a fore- il s a safe bet thal you wiII need more court eous clolivery, and a guarantee of satisfaction b- ith every ton.' GUARANTEED COAL-CÔKE. Qionsu mers ompiany. 3838 UNIVERSITY 7 Wl HAE SRVD THIOVE A 9UARTER OF A CENTURY coal Why Wtt WE HAVE SERVED THE and 5 1