IDeodlinq for InsaertU* Classifled advertisernents will be &C. 40$cepted .up to Tuesdlay 9 P. M. for IWILMETrE LIFE or al three papers. Wednesdayý 9 P. M. for WUIETKA TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWSj.,Telephones: Wilmette I4M0. Winnretka 2M00 WInnetka-500after- 6 p.M.> renea 30 rShel- drake 1216-1217. 94 SITUATIQN WANTIED-1FEMALE 2 YOUNG WOMEN DESIRE ODD) JOBS, SDAY WORK. ALSO0 CARE 0F cHiL- DREN D)AYS OR EVENINGS. N. S. REFERS. GlÇIencoe 555- 94LTN44-tp MIDDLE AGED WOMAN (WHITE) ]DE- sires generalhousework. Experienced. No laundry. References. Cal mornings. Nancy Turnquist, Ravenswood 8877. - 11:94LTN44ý.ltp WT1RST I'.SITUATION WANTED--MA&.E 1 A4 cook, Filipino, 25 y rs. experience, Domestie,a'nd commercial. 3. expert gardeners, each. over 15». yrs. experlence. ibutier, 10 yrs. in last, job., Also chauffeurs., hou seMen, etc. Central Dom. Agency W . Fîrst St., Highland Park Phones- Glenicoe 1813:ý H. P. 2520, 4353 95LTN44.lte EXPERIENCED HANeY MAN WISH-ES .worle hv h.,..,or.,.nv..,T., j.Aàu s EXCEL EMPLOY. SERVIC E 740 Eûm St.. Suite 5, Winnotka ý 4189 DOLTN42"3tp WHITE AND COLORED References. thoroughly investigated.' SHORLINE EMPLOYM19UT AG;ENCY 746 ELM $T., TEL. WINNETKA 3012 9fiLTN44iltc COLORED' C O U P L E. 'CHAUF'FEUR, butier. wife good cook; best North. Shore references. Glencoe 935. 96LTN44-ltp 07 HIELP WANTED-UMALE GI DELIVER 94LTN44-4tp V1RQ T AIJN.. s, silks. COUPLES, ICALL AT ONCEï- work. Good pay. ýCal Glencoe 97L44-ltp1 Tr WITE RELP WANTED MAI1H With .T-heBest USED CARS' Special This Week 10 Free Greasings 1931 Franklin led.$95 1933 Pontiac Sed.............. 16 1934 Dodge Sed.......... .........25 193 outh coupe............6 1935 Cevrolut Mas. coach .........5 1936 Chevrolet Town Sed...... 0-3 1936 LaSalle. led ........ .........53 1936 Ford Tudor ..............M 1937 Chrysier led.........3 1937 Fora Club Coupe.......440 1937 Ford 80 Coupe .......... ...... 375 193 Ford *60Tudor .ý... 4...........3W0 1937 Plymuouth Coupe..4........... 415 1937 Lin. Zephyr Seds ....... $595 to 745 1938 Ford Tudor 60................45 1936 Lin. Zeuhvr led.......M ACE MDTR SALES 1936 Dod Dlue 2dr 'seêdan, built-li trunk. heater, $36. 1934 Chevrolet Master Deluxe 4 dr. sedan, $185.. 50 Others to Choose From Every car backed by famous Dodge Dealers' Seal of Dependabilty- Triple checked for appearance, con- dition and price-your assurance of an honest, dependable value. 4~1tc AND WiAOMUA% WILL eCl dayi Cal