15LTN44-4tp FURNITURE SPRAYING Aiso wck.r furniture and refrigerà- tors, We u»e acquer-WInnetkA23185 N'CTURE FEUMES REPAIRE» AND regtlded. Oil paintings restored. For, estimates phone University 0770. 15LTN4O-tf c ai BUIL.DING AND RIEPAIR PERRY ROOFING CO. LEMCXS REPAIRED. ROOFS APPLIED. th jr. on North Shore. Wirnn. 3838. 21LTN43-4tp PLASTERING RÉPAIRS, BASEMENT CEMENTE or llrnewashedi. G. A. Thursby, Wil- Ir Prepare an* early inventory of your home's requirements so that you may take advantage of the pre- vailing Iow costs now ollred. au!ý PANTNOAND DECORATING Pedersen Decorating CO.ý FIRST CLASS WORK. FXJLLY INSURED,. WINNETKA 4119 25LTN44-4tpý EXPERT LADIES' TAILORING AN4D REMODELING Let us hein vou plan LOST - "JUDY." -LONG HAIREDALL. black cocker spaniel.* Reward. .923 Eirnwood avenue. Wilrette 105. 3LTN44-ltp LOST-IN GLENCOE, FRIDiAY ?%GHtr Feb. 24th.,, black pur7se wlth 1,tii "A.C.F." Reward. Fmier please cail Glec oe 13». 3 L..îtp and get our proposition. We are flot birokeres. Our business is, mortg»ge bank. ing eXclusivly GERG E T. 0OO0LE 5? LOAN AGENT ALLIANCE LIFE INS. COMPANY, and other investors 1580 Sherman Ave,, Evanstoni ,)avis 2=3 Hollycourt 4220, ~~87LTN44-tfe FEDERAL,,HOME LOAÀN9 LOANS ON NORTH SHOREý HOME S Maximum lbans. Convenient zmonthly repayrnent plan over 5 to 15 years. Deal with a local 'institution. P!ul details 1wy riqulry at F!rst,. Fedleral Savings & LOAN A~SSOCIATION 0F WILMEITTE, fi t,.LI11ULIe G& o. ian Ave., Evanston Uni. 3M5 87LTN43-tfe :ALIZE IN P. H. A. .AND is for ail types of MORT. NS. Interest as low. as 4 per Drnnission on qualified prop. LTN1G-tfc J fo; BETTEýÉR -qualit3 cost. Residence phone, [orne. cornp hile, 0 19317HIGI! SHo-oL sires t take care of i2-fe ilmtte2M6. r ~t8 itp Iri. tp