series of old tirne movie revivals whichbas been arranged by the entertainment comrnittee. The comedies, wbicb bhave been selected 4y the Museum. of ,Modemn Art to show tbe developmnent of ci- ema art, include "The Doctor's Se- cret, " produced in 1900 by George Melies with a-cast now unknown, and "iGertie, The Dinosaur," oe of the earliest attempts at animated cartoons made inx 1909 b.y Winsor Me- Cay, wefl known American artlst. Mack Sennett, whose influence on films bas been recognized as mucb' mnore, important than was reallzéd i the days o! ."slapstick," wifl be represented in the program witb a unique satire made in 1916 on the Western "horse operas," "His Bit- ter Pili." The program also includes opeof he ir*st etue gleom- edies,, "The - Wreshrnan, 'miade 'in 1925 by Harold Lloyd. The films wlll be presented with tbe original piano acconipanimerit of silent days.i hIKenilworth While School Is Quarantined Charles de La Chapelle is at borne a'nno oy iRay 5loom Boyi at News Trier 1*1gh achool on March 24 will present a revieuw of their s ports pro gram. at the school gymiuasium in a carnival. sponsored jointly by the Tri-Ship club and the athletic 'de partment. Above, Gott- fried Sandvig of the physical edtwation faculty coaches Don Fer guson and Lous Pantie in the boxing division white Clforci Weul, Bill Ever- 4am, Ellswôrth Jones, Bob Wade, Haroldc Klagstad, Bob H1offmeyer, Dick Jones, Everett Kennedy, and Bill Mackill await their turns. IGirl Scues I 27tli BURTRDAY Girl Scouts tbroughout -the nation will "attend" a birthday party in N~ew York, March 15, celebrating their 27th anniversary. Invite Badminton Players to Ji In Tournamient The Wilmette Recreation board will sponsor a Novice Badminton tion of tus season. Marie Fischer Perkins, one of the club's ablest directors, is todirect the play wbich is to be presented in. April. She bad :already comnpleted the first important step in its po duction, namely, the casting of "You Cân't Take ItWitb You." And this %vas no'mean feat! 'In the selection of sucb ebaractérs as the mildly goofy Essieand ber younig husband. Ed (to cite only two -of' tbe eccen- trie comnedy mnembers of the cast) one rnigbt expect to. encounter ini- surmouritable ýdifficulIties. The naive Essie is a ballet 'dancer, no les s! Wble Ed, also somnewbat intellectu- all y minus, plays tbe xylophone! Ballet dancers ýandxylophone play-* ers are not usually picked out of the air. Yet Mrs. Perklns found not one, but several Essies and several xylophone playing Eds! And from theeé, îhë has chosen wiseV"as you shail see. Also, in an effort to give more people a chance to appear in one, o! the Winnetka Drama club plays, Mrs. Perkins endeavoreci to avoid using those who had taken part in either of the first two plays of the year. This bas led to the discovery of a number of people with consid- erable dramnatic experience a.nd un-, local troops and coun- rk the birthday week parties, 'teas and cere- boys* to Long1 _and winter spo in Wilmette tbe Girl Scouts lebrate the actual day, Marcb .th a Scouts Own to be beld ýy evenings. ON HONOR ROLL be ob- hurches rat the ;day or "Man" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, 'on Sunday, March 5. The golden text was, "God givetb ýaugbter to a man that is good in bis sight nerly of wisdorn, and knowledge, and joy" Lt as- lct Wîth rsity. club., The, ause of the coil- I' ,at the Woman's rn 9 bas been post- diving. There were rifrs ,-bet Korte, 544 Gret of ice cream and cookies. Albert is atten ding -Virginia Saunders, scribe tary academny. f r READS IkWCEWVING LINE' mDlyi ers, ai esa 1 -avenue.