ers at 98 linden avenue, Gleùcpe, In honor o! Miss 'Jean Bain Mitchell, daughter of ]Robert Mitchell of. Glen- coe, who Is to be married ýSaturday, March',18,,ý to Ernest John Enchel- mnayer, son.,o! Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Enchelmaâyer of 682 Grove street. Other parties for the bride include, a miscellaneous shower given Wed- nesday of last week by Mrs. J. E.' Petermann of Highland Park for a group >o fo rty mothers and daugli- ters; and'a bathroom shower whlch, Mrs. 'C. 'J.. Archer of 867 Grove street, - gave Friday. Saturday, Mrs.'C. W. Enchelmnay- er o! Highland Park and Miss Ann Navior of Wl nnetka werAe n-hostess- y Miss Gretel Knup!er of wil1 entertain at luncheon Megowen's tea room for le's attendants, and the 1have a bridesmaid lunch- ie Indian Trail tea room. litcheli andi Mr. Enchel- re to be married at the rieci io .Harold T. UCranie, son ýof Mr. in smia weciaing ceremony at and Mir;. Robert S. Crane of Evans- the chapel 'of the Wmnnetka Congre- ton, last Saturday. morning at , g ational chureh at 4 o'clock Satur- mn the chapel. of the Fi*rst Congre.' day afternoon, April 1,MisEoe gationalchurch. of Eývanstoni, with, Chase, daughter of. Mrs. Frank D. Dr. Hugh Elmer Brown. offliciating Chase of Evanston, wil becomhe the at a ceremony attended onlyý' by the bride of Jack K. Heitmnan, *son of, immediate family. There was no Mrs. Fred P. Heitma*n,. 212 Green. reception. leaf avenue,' Wilmette.. The Rev. The bride's sister-inlw rs i-,,Samuel D. Harkness Will officiate, liam Gash, was hier only attendant, and immediatelyfollowing, a wed- and Samuel S. Bond of Ev anston ding reception for a'larger number served the bridegroom as best man. of gue-sts will, be .ýheld. at Skokîe For lier weddmng Mrs. MendumConrclb wore a three-pic r âe nzt of Mrs. Harold Nelson of Wilmette, beige wool with a fox collar. leriter o! the bridegroom,' wil be the accessories wr !Jpnc u matron of honor. ýThe three brides- . wee ofJapnicahuernaids. wilI be -Miss Betty CrilIy -of and br flwerswereorchds. innetka, Miss Janice Hall of Wil- Mrs. Gash had blue accessories mette, and Miss Lorraine Lansing with hier dar1k blue print dress, and of New York, formerly of Evanston. wore gardenjas. Miss LWa ha ii4iy, , 'Th 'ille,'a' grà[ûàte of New arriving in Chicago March 10, and ilce Trier High school, and the bride- will remain here for a visit until e groom, a graduate of Evanston after the wedding. - high school, left on a short motor Fred Heitman will be his brother's v trip before making their home at best man, while the ushers will be 1 1614 Monroe street, Evanston. Mr. Jack Hicks o! Kenllworth, Harold *Crane is a savings tefler in the Nelson of Wilmette, and Robert Do- State Bank and Trust company of erk o! Danville, Ili. Evanston. Mvr. Heitman andi his bride will live in Evanston after a wedding trip to Bermuda. lits brotlier's ers are Wi Waxler and.' mer girLMayCreiGgeo iaye M4ryl seravesgeas st an an te uh-Ma rry. Pierre M. Purves m. Bosworthi, Jack alter Maceile. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Gage, 4 nsesat a surprise lineénshower, and February 21, Mrs. Roderick Clark Of Wilniette entertained at a surprise kitchen shower. Miss Elizabeth Quinlan of Wil- mette gave a spinster« slumber Party for the bride Wednesday night of last- week.