Lowry' and Gottschalk Photo Miss Myrtle Lundquist is a member of the .ways and means committee of th.e Junior auxiliary of the Womatn's Club 0f, Wilmette. She is chairman o! ticket sales for the. lecture series bein.g spon- sored by the Junior auixiliary. Norlhfield's Womnan's Club Announces Party iurum. In addition, Miss Grace Miller, .a., Theta alumnna from. the IUnhversity of Illinois wbo isupr visor of home lighting for the Public Service Company of Northern 111- mnois, wÎIl give an illustrated talk on home lighting. The program has been arranged by Mrs. William J. Lavery, program chairman. ýThe one-o'clock lunchieon, is ini charge of Miss Lenore Everson *and the following committee: Mrs. B. Stewart Leber, Mrs. R. B. Mundell, Mrs. Ernest Schein~ Mrs~ Ruddick Lawrence, Mrs. Frank M. Wallace,ý iMrs. Robert R. Glenn, Mrs. Victor Hackler, and Miss Marion Kelly. Mrs. H. A. Morrison, president, will preside at the business session and eleetior.'-- E-ntertatin af Cockta1is Thé North :Shore-aux iliary o! the National Park college *Alurnnae as.- sociation will1 hold its reguler month- ly m e e t i n g 'Monday afternoon, March, 20, at. the 'h o me o! 'Mms George S. Hendrickson, 2819 lro- quis road, at 2 o'clock. Tea will be served. Final Dinnw Dace Skokie Counitry club's final dinner dance o! the winter season. Stur- day, March 11,. is to be a St. Pat- rick's party, and will be the last activity at Skokie for a month. The club house is to be closed for spring cleaning from March 13 to April 12.1 It's a dlafltg--af soff, suel in glorious, soft colors and yet, because ifs a Hat Bar bat, ifs only $2.95. You'Il love if for your suit, for your sport