s enting for children Saturday af- ternoori,.March' il, The author, Julia Eflsworth Fordi, says,ý "The idea of the',selfish giant in thi1s1 play has been taken fromi the story by 'Oscar- Wildeý. Spring would not corne to his garden be- cause he would not let. children play i it. It w.as alWays winter there."P Witb this Idea as a theime, she fashioned' adelightfil, f an taàs Y. "Trespassers >Wif Be Et" that,'s. what the signi said which Snickerty. Nick- had to paint and put, up i the> giant's garden. He didn't want to. He liked children but the giant didn't. *One day a limte boy crept through thé hedge while Nicky was painting. Heasked "'What's trespasser?" giant catches you here, you'11 be et . The boy sald, "I'm flot afraid. V Ive corne to ask him why chlldren can't play here. The gardens we can't get into are the ones we lilce best." "When the giant goes. away, l'Il let you i," promlsed Nicky. even Names The fine arts departinent of thie Woman's Catholie Club of Wlmette will present a club talent program Friday afiernoo'n of this week, at 2-o'c lock at the- Wilmette Woman'gý club. Glving theý program> to -be intro- duced by, Mrs. Frank Kaye. de- partment, chairmnan, w ill beMrs., Frederic Malloy, . *wo will give a review of 'The .YearIing,"ý by Mar- jorle Kinnan ]Rawli.ngs ; a quartet. composed of Mrs. Kaye., Mrm Wil- liam Otter, Mrs..Frank .Rothing, and Mrs. Fxrank R. Steel, accom- panied by Mrs. John Falvey: and the planists, Mrs., Falvey and M rs. Henry Slamnin. who will play duets. Hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. Charles Broad, Mrs. 'ltoy E. Jones, and Mrs, M. H. Mann. *Mrs. Patrick Joyce is nom, pre- paring for the sale to~ be ield .at ~ the X¶û4ft 'shop Ma rch 15-18. and 'dtg, hearts backed by re emest ont os )r the Wil mette Garden ugsrebr odnt os .b"the Garden Club of. books, clothing, old bricý.a-brac. and s year in the dipalay,, things no longer needed by their 2, inclusive, will trace owners. which will find a useful of the forest primeval place ini the home, o f someone else. ftornorrorn. A rsettee sgea e for such "wh te e eph nts" and cloth- ing. Mrs. Henry Schmidt, chairman of. u6% Sn-ner the work for St.- Vincent's onhn-i - .3, at Sha wnee -Ço Then, one day, they heard his cilapter of the1 heavy stepa côning nearer and there are eight, h neairer. They hid in the bushes, ail one phase of the but the boy who wasn't afraid. meets -witl1 the SWhy, when the giant picked hirn of that particular up from the ground where he had Frank Bryan of falien when some one bumpèd into mnan of the Kenilw hlm, he put his arrns around the. appointed Mrs. giant's neck and kissed him, saying, chairman of prizE "Thank you. .Mr. Giant" r. T-1 u +-1-4- - Il be e [aria> Leonard, dean of Sthe university, and Mrs. in Sauniders, chairman of. ri's cornmittee of the uni- wunnî association, will bc according to the commit- ~nn comm-ittee. Mrs. Wilrnette, chair- arments. o wever, she will le to take them to St. Vfi- The club'-s Day of Recollection will be held at the Cenacle convent. 513 West Fullerton avenue, Chicago. Wedpesday, March 22; opening with. mnass at 9 o'clock. -- 44