Branson. DeCou will speak.'before the N4ew, Trier Sunday Evening club Sunday, March 12, at the New Trier. High school auditorium '.at 8:15 on a; ,'ÇSpring Tour Thr ough Europe." ne. will illustrate his lecture wlth his "D r ea m -P icd- ~ tures" with musi- ~ c a 1 accompamï- mne nt.. and also eI with.lmovîing Pic- tures. This is a post- sea son meeting of the club mnas- I March 9,.1939 Teacher Institute To Be' Held Friday; Sehools Wil Close The northern division of the Cook countyr teachers' institute will meet on Friday at New Trier. Townàship Higli School. Speaker At its meetingITuesday pnlght the "Village board took action- to sponsor a WPA . project fo r the. construction of a field house and other: improve- mients at the Village Green, the, sponsor's share of the cost to be paîd from the budget of the Playý- ground and Recreation board. The total Cost is given as $83000. T -vo-Story Structure The field bouse is to be: a two- story structure, the first story to b. below the high ground, and'the sec- ond story- even with it. Tie first floor is to be of monolithie con- regulars e a son. There wil be a Bransoui »eCoua 35e general admnission charge, it is announced, since this is entirely out o! the regular season. Branson, DeCou lias been one of the most popular lecturers ever Vo appear before the Sunday Evening club. He lias just returned withi the past two weeks- from South Principal will be given Tnivgeritv a, of the essie Tod :)Tm i~Aava-y r o ornand a me uioJIU .ag5ue Vciu)wLJ.LAve -his lecture and dream pictures on9 "California. 10 SlIe has appeared over 200 times be- fore the famous Brooklyn Institute o! Arts and Sciences. Tivo Nominated for . e prograiii IollowÉ a.m.-Music. Wilmetté Grade School ,chestra. .m.-Miss Jessie Todd, University of icago, -Encouraging Originality i 't.". .m.-Prof. C. E. Germane, University Missouri, "Guidance and Counsel- p.m.-New Trier Iligh School Glee .b. of the American Legion next, Tuesday at 8:30 o'clock at the Masonic temple. His subject will be "My Impressions of German y" ît was announced by E. H. Myr- land, entertainment c hairman. tge wa s anc utilized. Ini this feature the board of education will pàrticipate, by landscaping the H o w a r d school grounds, so that both will be ac- compljshed as a single landscaping plan. i;wu. ocaîor .two., Ld