Many garden club members along thie North Shore are planning to at- tend the annual meeting of the Cen- frai Regicrn of State Garden Clubs, which winibe held.*Monday, March 27., at the 7Laike Shore Athle 'tic club. Inciuded ti the >Central region, of, the National couneil are the garden club federations -of Wisconsin, Mlch- Igan, Iowa, Missouri and Illinois, and each state will be 'represenitéd by a delegation. Mrs. Warren' W. Shoemaker of flubbard Woods, who is one of the officers. of the National, council, is tri charge of the meeting, and. has arranged a Most. lnteresting pro- gram for the day. Mrs. Forest 11uttenlocher, of De;. moines, Iowa, regional vice-presideht . andone of Art: k on-, for. With troioel and has al the' When Dr. Giuseppe Antonio Bor- gese speaks at the North Shore Con- gregation Israel temple on Wednes- day, March 2i, at 8:30, o'clock bisý will be a compielling, address. He is one of. the world'sý leading schol- ars who has -adopted America 'as his neW home, because of bis si- cere, belief in and earnest destre to mainta in. hi s> int ellectual freedom. Dr. Borgese's recent book, 'IGol- iath. the .March of' Fascism," b. as won hîM international ýacclaim, and is regarded as a masterpiece. It was written directly 'in English, a]-' though bis previous work, "Rube," a novel of post-war disintegration was published' in translation. and. c ompared in importance to the clas- >' sics of Tolstoy and Stendhal. Dr. Borgese is a native ofI taly., aent -ay mýrir.oresan fseve year versities of Rome and Milan. He Druker Photo ago, because of differences witb nhaHarkness, Mussolini, climaxed by bis refusai trsa bit of to take the fascist oath, wb!ch is len Walk From imposed on al proies sors. Me now ), and wonders occupies the chair nifIRomance Ian- 5to which her guages at the University ni Chicago, Weedèrs. The but is as qualified to speak on politi- ýi1I open under cal subjects as he is on literature. r on March 25, Following the war, he wasa lede ho will attend will 1%09 uttneuI T , 1otAm rcoPry Brewer of Grand' Mi's D. Bi1igb Grasett of Win- Reports of the recent meeting of iose garden at ber netka is general chairman of a dard the Garden Club of' America at Farm" is one of party to be given by the K~appa Al- Hlouston, Texas, wili make up the ini the state; Miss pha Theta Mothers' club,Thurday, prog ram for the meeting ni the Ken- whose double pe- National Council March 16, at the chapter bouse, 619 ilworth Garden club on Wesnesday, cutural Achieve- University place, Evanston, the pro- March 15. at t+1,hnvLn-9 K -*- Mar- vU-Ull éta tii* ericancitizen anIIdil says, '41t is not that I have given Up my country., My country bas given me up. .Arnerica has made a great gift to me,. and I hope to make my contribution in return." Th7is meeting at which Dr. florgese will speak wiI be a joint session of. the Sisterhood and the iMen~ 'b.qi. tipunces. s- 40