mu-u rà% mRiv m NBy. Pearl, Buck ...S2.5 iexpi.rgoted Edision .Adolph Nifler's 1WN KAM PF, $3' and statesman and puDiIsfleQrecen- ly by Charles Scribner's., Illustrated, with' many pictures taken from photographs and pai ntings, it Is the authentic life of one 'of the world's immortals., Six> year s ago When the work was started Paderewiski wrote:. "I here- with state, that ýmy autobiography which 1 am, now pireparing with'Miss Mary Lawton >. is theýauthen-, tic record of my life and the only one that has my. authorization and approvaL." There have been other books,.about the great Pole, but here 15 the musiciani speaking to the read-- er as a confidential friend, revealing the facts of his life in the music world, as a diplornat and citizen of i. Uior riisI Ainerr. -r A f notable men and WOME 1antd describes, and the ii ,harm of the telling, pro,' Douglas' is taken by Walt Almoat immecUatelV after pub- cation Ed'na . Ferber'a autobi- Correspondent Looks portion of the in~ çseiiyralnul 2'~~ There is a differ.. ~jfence in Aimer Coe glass os II mode withOr- tj go ilne You see clearly i.and comfortably RHave yrou. learned lessons- only of those who admired You, and were tender with You, and stood aside for you? "Hdave you flot learned gÉreat les- sons fromn those who braced' thein- selves against you , and disputed the -passage with you?" Hardly ministerial ti treatment (ri0 Man Couldwrite seven success--. fui novels and, maintain the popu- Iarity. that belongs to Mýr. .Douglas. if miýinisterjal), thé author does treed rather heavily on certain philosophie outlooks upon life, and puts into the mnouths of his> chairacter very definite attitudes toward religion. One, Dr. Milton Forrester, is an out-and-out atheist, others mildly so, while, the mother of the hero, Jack Beaven, exmpiiep±ey.o n Paiifulex-es PersonalItUes Claish The passage disputed in the novel is that between Dr. F'orrester, a grea t surgeon and teacher o! med- ical students, and Jack Beaven, one of his star pupils, who becomes his research assistant. Both being strong men, their personalities clash, but Beaven plLts up with ail sorts of hu- milities and unpleasantness tI order to work with the farnous doctor and _____________ las written an honest accou-nt o! Beaven Succ!eeds, becomes a pron? the events, forces,. and behind-the- ising .young doctor, and wins a Picture of Puritans scenes intrigue which made Austria teaching appointment. At the same Rodall Difernta province of the German Reich, tinie, disciplined by Tubby, Jack Satecly Tiber et Huhes, anid reduced Çzechoslovakia to a turns taciturn and serious, a young which crimbers pîsed, f g dependent staté. fellow whose only god is science, thec authr'sln es pbiedo re-creat His book is crowded with informa- and whose treatment of the sîck is In fiction the life and people of! tion, tfacts that never found their wol hscl Colonial New England as lie grew to way.irito newspapers, discussions of Medicie for Spirit i-.. l--141 '- 14-, uetion of RjUnificnc. 1No sooner are al] _____ ,d in d1i«On is offe a. Company.. '-JoLI- ,ed by