ilCubs on Catalina Island the past séerai days. Bob and Mrs. Wolff mnotored west a few weeks ago and made Cata- lina one of their major stops. Let- -ters and cards Robert Wolff from varlous in- teresting points enroute have been coming to Bob's Pals ini the Wilmette Rotary club. ,EA Lin-Pac lias been favorably men- tioned by Chicago and New York newspapers, as well as' by Vogue, Woômen's Wear and, other. women's publications. AUTHOUITY ON MENUS As familiar as a next-door neigh- bor, as dependable as the kitcheri range, as stimulating as a new nov- el-ail this and more is what George. Rector has become li literally mil- lions of American households. For many years now, RectorPs Writings have been appearing ini the country's outstanding newspapers. In this way. Rector has introduced A-riecently-perfected precîiwn instrue nt for .eye examining has been introcluceci in Evanston by Dr. H. A. Hattstromn (above> of the flrm Of optometrists and opticia ns at 702 Church'street, which bears his name. Dr. Hlattstrom is the first practitioner on this aide of the Atlantic to ob- tain one of these instruments. in these same papers. Because of The .device was delivered to Dr. his treinendous followjng, Wilson & 'Hattstrom in Toronto, Canada, short- -Co., packers of the popular Tender ly béfore Christmas and was brought Made EHam, has secured Rector's to Evanston by him after a minute tire field which would give a true objective foreign. > SHOILTY DITRAININ<G spectacle refraction of the. eye with. ,usewives Despite denials from the wortly out any aid or coopération on the tis col- gentleman, Carmen (Shorty) Tor- part of the patient. eequally toreli, widely known owner and gen- By the uuse of this instrument est mat- eral manager of the news station in Dr. Hattstrozn points out, a complete bell, of coi Cubs arej Hie will longer. ;eason iaying ues onj"able, it is asserted. has' headed for Hot -_________ :familiar conditioning d Ig league players. The dnce on the mneeting displayed e, rings only when the !Tiuch interest in the address and the midst of a rally. in the round table discussion that gone for a month, or followed. Preferred world markets for most, g a 1 ter Iof