grade pupius wil De given Weanes- day8 March 22, and the third dem- onstration, by the, seventh. and eighth graders, *wil be held Thurs- day,, Majrch,30. Peograme lgfoe Parents AUl demonstrations, stated Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation and supervisor of the physical training departme nt, are. given for the bene- fit of the parents that they. may ob~- serve the various phases of the physical training worlc caried on in the public schools. Folk dances, rhythmic drills, formai, gymnastic trainig, athletic drills, formai. marching drills, posture drills, re- lays, ganmes and stunts foro each grade wil have a place on the pro- gram. program by the instructors of phys- ical education in the various sehools. They are: Mrs. Gertrude Fanck- boner, girls' instructor at Hloward and Logan. Schools; Miss Claudia Eckert, girls' instructor at Stolp and Laurel schools; Glen Gathercoal and Berger Larson, instructors for boys of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades at Stolp and Howard respec- tively. ýToloif Photo, Cadet.s Robert C., (le ft) and Charles L. Ceclerberg, (right), sons of Mr. and Mrs. A.. P. Sterrett, of 714 Prairie avenue, and Cadet Donald M. Chamberlain, son, of D. F. Chamnberlain, of 519 Gregory, avenue, re- turne& home, Tuesdlai from the Hotoe Military school, for their spring vacation. Robert is a corporal in the R.O.2'.C. unit at Howe, and'plays the trombone 'in the school band. ,Charles is on the varsity basket bal squacZ, and will take part in the Midwestern prep school bas ket bal tournament to be held tizis week-end at Morgan Park Militarly academy. Local Camp Fire'Group Ready To 'Observe 27th Anniversary nue, V o! the which the gramxiar school. athietes dur- su mng the year. . of The programfor the first demon- m stration to be held on March 14, MV foflows: 1M The Program r Looby Loo1 Bunny Dance ai __Laurel and Central Second1 Grades sistant tes, 2309, 31 Lakei meent le; SFire j& ave- -1n peVIallSI J.Looks at the CfldI," and will be open to ail parents on the North Shore, ac-cording to. Mrs. Thornton Merriamn, 2030 Orrington* avenue, Evanston, programn chairman o! the Parent-Teacher council., The lecture program ijs as follows: March l41"The ýChîId and HIs Hom'e"; Mrs., Ruth MeCarnu, counselor for, wom- ený students, DePartmnent of Personnel. Northwestern university. March 21 " <The 'Child And His Sehool"; Dr. Burt Beverly, 'Children's Memnorial hospital. Chicago. March 28-«'The Child and Society"; Dr. Conrad Sonmer, medical director, Ilinois Society ofMental Hygiene, 11April 4-"The Chfld and Religion"-, MissEdna Dean Baker, president, Na-, tional College of Education, Evianston. Palestine Therne Of Free Leettase "Palestine IFoday" wili be the sub- ject of a free lecture with colored slides taken last December in and around Jerusalem, Haifa, Acca and Tiberlus, by Mrs. Homer Dary of Racine, Wis., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hannen of536 intheHo1yý ni d, travelers aflot alowed, Mrs. Homer Dary ýo about unat-' ed at that time, Mr-S Dary was eed to travel under a convoy o! ish soldiers armed with machine: ;actually going at the risk o! [11e, for the busses were crnnin- rest ViewJ re group me re- ,Me .eariy ____ j