g ame, Llndberg,, 212; indîviaual aigri tbree 'games, Lindberg,. 212-158-198, 588; games over 200, Lindberg, 212, and Bgassier, 203. TOam, Stauduga, Team W. L.. Pct. Zineers........13 : 8 .61 Gunners .. .... 12 9 .571 lom'bers . ... ýý........ 12 09'.571 TMorpedoew ............ 10, il .476 Destroyers.......0 il'.476- Artfllery........ 6 15 .280 K. OP C. LEAGUE, O.nly two weeks and twog before'our trip, to Lans'i Séventy-six men, have signe days: left ig, Mich.* ýed up to tr special ler =-ZI(i, . r eer ms-zu. ; wwl 214_20É, E. Bleqer 211, J. Knein 205. P. Weller 202. G. Steiner 202, E. Shanahan 201, L. Steffens, 201. -John,.P. Wfltjer. secretary GLENVIEW ]LADIES' LEAGVE Teains W. L. Av. N. Hfiqhbind Park Bey.. .46 29 640 7Q)7 Tdle Houtr Tavern .... .39 36 661 757 Bungalow Tavern ... .36 39 680 02q Hugo's Tavern ...... 29 46 M0 786 Results High game for the week, Jo Tes- now, 185; high teain three gaines, Idle Ijour. Tavern, 2206; second high team. three games, Bungalow Taverný. 2M05; high teamn single game, Bunga- low Tavern. O29---umiod high teamn woME'SI LEAGUM. By winning twgo games from Hi- Ridge Market, the second place Lo- cust Farm Stores came' within a game o! first place, a berth they vow to take over next week, pro- viding some other team can take care of Hi-Ridge. Handrapped by the absence of two o! their bowlers, Erickson De- livery lost two out of three to Ratny Florists. Twice in three weeks Flor- ence Bengston of Hi-Ridge Market took. all individual, honors, having hijzh mame of 170 and .a 494 sertes. W. L. ..... 2n 28 ; .. 31 29 ...... W 30 ,ery... 27 33 Pet.. .533 .517 .500 .450 erni freshman swimmer, and a cou- ple of the Independence Park me n. The score :of the second gamne wa s 7 FinaIIy Rfit Stide The Shawýnee team reached 'the best form of the season in the first game. Afterý a slow first haif which, ended 4-0, the Wilmette aggregatïon hit its stride *for eight more goals in the shallow end net. Ed Lange, former Wisconsin star, turned in a brilliant goal tending job for the winners in the deep end, net. Blake Slocum,ý former Northwest- ern star, 1ed.the qu'nrincs ýwith .fiuj Tomtorrow night (Friday) Shawnee squares off against Portage Park in another league contest. JRETURN FROM WESIT Mrs. Beatriée Harding Arcus, 726 *Washngton avenue, has iust retiirn- STOKELY'S.-FINEST. TOMATOMS 3 NO. 2 CANS OR CUT WAX- DEAN$ 25c StoI.Iy's Finnt N~O Ztoc ivics,