1%ei members of the fitty local Leagues tbroughout the state as wefl as thie state league through its pres- ident, Mrs. George G. Bogert, and its legisiative chairm an, Mrs. Frank P. Rixon, will advise the represeii- tatives that they desire tliat these blas be passed. AUw Voters t. Decide >frs. Bogert today addressed a. letter te the local league presidents empbaslzing the tact that these bills merely. alow thie voters te decide whether they win have a city man- ager governmeflt and do net of then-_ selves impose such a form of govern- ment an3twhere. Mrs. Bôgert also called te their attention thie changes in thie bUils from those introdUced whlch include an eleven member coune<il i, Chicago, should Chicago apthtRe nct, a civil service board of three members rathel! than one elPhts person, and incorporation of initi- <eie> _to ative and referendumn. It was aiso anmouneed today at Parisizioners of St. Francis- J.eague headquarters that letters Xavier Catholie chtrch are being hadbee set t al meber ofthecongrattLlated on the occupancl/ badbe e nmmt tee il mmbers !tie of thetr beautiful new church eci- by' Mrs. Bogert and Mrs. Hixon ask- fice at Ninth street and Linden ing them te suppor t thie meaUres. avenue. Thie pastor, Rev. Martin Thle t1tPV Was asollows:D. MseNam4.T#, ead the ieIrst serv- -The UIi1*ois League of Women Votrs içe, solemp. 1$gR mass,, last Sun- et ai re nab inls*gto3Osltion em3Thetwo 1phooraLphierepro- (Rennlck, Lin. Swanson and Edwhards), diotions show nhere give some and w. are writlng on their behaif to ldea of the beautjj of this new express the hope that you will support ho use of worship, whicli marks them. aoirstep in tRie steady pro g- .Asa a iber of thie Holse Commit- aotie prshor Resd tee onMunicpalities you are in a key rs fteprs vrteyas positon W how yur sncerebelie 1»f course there is widesra democratiC methods. for since the meas-4 d~~cesire on the part of villagers, ure is permissive only, no issue la in- protestant as weil as Catholic, to volvedex:cep the uamnta qutv ion vove ecet Ri ndmntqustion F nspect the.new church home of I St. Francis-Xavier. To make this