553 Lincc - Ave. AGENTS 'Winn. 3450 133LTN43ite, JUST LISTED' LOVELY ENGLISH BRICK COUNTRY home, iLake Forest. 7 rms, 23ý baths, cii, attach. gar. $145. See SEARS REAL ESTATE- 421 Richmond Road jenilworth 5288 133LTU43-tc CHESTNUT AVE. 3 BLKCS. FROM -LAKE, UNUSIUALLy fine 7 rm. Engllsh tre Brick home, 4 bedrms., 3 heated ce ., 2 batha, h-. heat usng gas or ýcoal,T 2 car gar. $125. EDDINGTON.,& ALLEN, . 'End «V' 410 Lilnden. Ph. Wilmette 408 1 2IT Y Itn¶a1, %j.. zàox i-= *, w. **8n.a~ , m. 134L4-ltp MODERN 6 RM. HOUSE I KENIL. worth, excel. condition;: good loc. andj weil furn. 1 1/a baths, heats economically1 with gas; 1 car gar. Long or short lease.j Ph. Kenil. 4950. 134LTN43-ltp1 FOR RENT FOR 3 OR 4 MONTHS f icely furnished 5 room bungalow,.cil heat; natural ffreplace. Cali Wiimette 4416. 134LTN43.ltp) ISS -W;;ÀIED TO *ENT-HOUS LIST YOUR HOUSE FOR RElIT WITH us. Cail Mrs. Rowe, Kenil. 1504 eve-e nings or FREDERICK A. COOPER9 1505 Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. or Shel. 3 Nalt WANTED TO REPý£T BY MAY. 1ST. BY A Niew ilaihire ( 1ôn1a.exçterlor o f autumu-tint berick, on à corner 63x125. Picture bay window, screened porch, breakfast room and its convenieit. ar- rangement make this an unusually liva- ble home. 1211 Chestnut St." Wilmette AdJoining Ienilworth, c lose. to lake and transpiortation. 8 rooms, 31/a baths. $26,000. Go od Housekeeping Award Homne with every smart feature you can think of . . Goregous bowed picture window; ele- gant marble fireplace, smnad s huttered dining, room door,, huge dining room picture window opening1 on garden, paneled library; porch with glass brick, wall; deluxe kitchen with butler's pan- try; cireular stair with lghted niche; three large nrace1 btedomg. * wü 445 GreLw57IV11UU. iIlsting 5wUiiite lonial A bedrms., 2%.. baths,* iibrary, very large mnaster bedrmn. 2 car gar.. Large cornter -Lot. H. W.- 011. $16,506.0, FREDERICK A., COOPER 1505 Chicago Ave., Evanston' Gre. or Shel. 3030 147LTN43ltc WINNETK.A English brick, i fine condition. large living room, sunroomn, screened p o r c h with awning. brfst.* nook, modern kitchen with stove and eiec. icebox; 3 bed- rms. heated si. porch. 2 tile - baths on 2nd. floor: u nfinished Srd, floor; att. gar. New oil burner,> oil'hot water heater.---$16,O00. KENILWORTH, do CITY NATIONAL AGEINCY Ac OF EVANSTON, INC. 800 Davis St. Greenleaf 1410 133LTN43-ltc SRSYOUR MOVE 60 SEARS RAS MANY' ATTRACTIVE 4 rentais 1<0W. 'Ranging from $00 for 4 3 bedrms - 2 baths. où~ heat. to $30 for larger homes. SEE SEARS KENILWORTH 52M. 2 .rances J. WJ: EXCLUSIVE AG 614 WiiIow Road DISTINCTIVE We consider it a privilege exquisite house of Frer ELM DathsI, att. mnonth. i* i J w lVuIIeLt t ve., m *Phones: WiInette 79 TEN ROOM LOG SURROUNDED BY FOR) ýL, 4 BEDRMS., 2 *fenced yard. $100 a- including attractive r fo.., te N43-1tp a reai QOUNLAN & TYSON, Inc. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn. '177 147LTN443-Itc EAST WILMETTE Very attractive 7 room residene 716 Si, * Glejicce. ranston. 511 Exclusive Agents Highland Park 69 14ILTN41-tp