Completion» of the- siate of the Kenilworth advisbry committee for the April elections- was announced this week by John Nuveen, Jr., chairman. Candidates 'for. park and,,grade school1 offices were announced two *weekg ago. A. R. Peterson, 227 Raleigh road, *was renominated for a member of the board of education of New Trier High.schoiol for one of.the vacancies.1 to be: filled at large, from the town- ship. Village Trustees For members of the village board, for ternis of four years, the com- mittçç,,eominatedPorter Fox, 626 *Warwick roa 1d IiÎe nry -4C.2aiâder, Jr., 736 Curnmings' avenue, and Courtenay C. Davis, 243 Leicester road. Mr. Fox and Mr. Zander are present mernbers of the board, while Mr. Davis is village clerk. To ffil S out the remni ig two years of the clerk's term, the committee has chosen Lyle L. Richmond, 720 Roger javenue. The Kenilwortb Advisory commit- tee is a non-part isan. organization, made up. of répresentativesof o!ll the social, welfare, civie, and re- lgioxus organlzationa 'of the coin- munity. Lists Library Hours For 13ranch on Riage Exhibits, Amu*sements Are Offeredý by Woman 's. Club, Annual Exposition Expeted to4 Attract Thousands of North Shore Homeëowners Final preparations were being made this week at the Woman's Greenleaf avenue, for the annual Better Homes exhibit, .sponsored by the club: and t., be held Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, March 7, 8 and Uý. Many unusual attractions are be- ing arranged to supplement the variety of household appliance and kindred exhibits prelJared by scores of merchants and manufacturing concerns. Real Bih$u Maglcian Outstanding will be a real Xindu magician, said to. be -an unusuéflly clever performer, and oné wbo keeps bis. audiences speflbound throughout his performances. Another old friend is the weighing machine man who will be very much in evidence again this year. Then there will be -the portrait sketch artist who will do your por- trait while you wait. Fortune tellers and tea leaf read- SchoolSite; Freehand sketch above shows site bounded iqy flvnnwod and Elmwooci avenues and Diartmouth and Twenty-Fifth streets tvhere the board of education owns pro perty. A petition is now being circulated askirtg that the school, board proceed with the erection of an elementary grade achool building to serve the Kenilworth Gardéns and the Indian Hill Es- tates. bessions Mesi .Lvery wedeau.- Aay; List Four Course An encouragmng beginning-was r»ý ported by the Neéw. Trier Townshlp High school night school, which is open to the public for a term of 12 weeks, for which classes have been established in the following subect: En g i s h, stenography, French, and typewriting. SOnly _a very few more registra- tions are neeessairy to make certain that there wiUl be classes ini home economics, bookkeeping, a r t, and chemistry. It was expected that these four classes will be complete ln their registration,, and that the students will be able to obtain the type of instruction in which they are inter- ested, officiais announced this weelk. In the home economics depart- ment, Mrs. Jane Lighter has an- nounced that the term will be divid- ed into t.wo fields cf work; six weeks of foocls and nutrition in the foods laboratory, and six wee ks of cloth- ing construction and design in the clothing laboratory. In the field cf chemistry, Robert S. Ream is undertaklng the work with the students who are taterest- ed, and the class iB starting wlth beginning ehemistry inder bis. di- rection. The art class under the supervi- sion of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hloland, wrnl be prepared to provide any type of art work i which tadividuals rnay be interested. Craft work, gen-. eral applied arts, and art apprecia- tion wrnl be covered in accordance with the needs and wishes of the. students who rnay enroll.