The' Neighbors of Kenilworth m ay teel fortunate that Sir Charles Mar'- gan-Weébb* is maklng a transcontin- ental tour at this time, since that belng true, it will be possible for this digtingui8hed gentlem'an ta, discuss before them matters of great interest ta Britain and Amnerica. He wiflý spealk at the Kenilworth Assembly hall at 2:30 on March 7. Sir Charles is honorary organizing secretary of the monetary commit- tee af the British House ai Coin. mans. Failowmng his studies at .Cambridge,, England, he entered the: Indian Civil service, where:he,,had *Although Mris. Coburn has 'neyer before given any .of her. readings for the Junior auxiliary,. she is, well-known along the North Shore for lier'sympathetic and understand- ing interpretations of mn o d e rin. poetry. Mrs. Coburn is .a resident of Wilmette and a mnember of the Womnan's club. It is an annual customi of the Worman's club and the Junior auxil- iary ta exchange a pragram. To- night's program has been planned by Mrs. Harley L. Ward, programh chairman of theWoman's club. àelast Mrs; The Junior auxiliary ai the Wamn- an' s Club ai Wilmette will sponsor a lecture, series as its, next phil- anthrapic project. William -Albee, central Illinis' leading Aretkc explorer, adventurer, lecturer, and' writer,. will. talk at the Wotman.'s club in Wilmette March 28. The YOUng ex-Peorianý Who, spent five years in Alaska's Interior and among the Eskimo pea- ple, at Cape Prince ai Wales, on the Bering s5traig-hts, and less than sixty Miles -tram Siberia, mnay be re- Membered by his fine arti-, cles in the Saturday Evenmng Post. The talk he will give March 28, "Eskimo lHarvest," is soon toapa- pear in the Post. Mr. Albee will adventures and exhibît various ab- jects ai interest. from his trips. On April 17, William Diez, teach- er, lecturer, and author, will speak an "Which Way Amnerican Neutral. ity?" Mr. Diez is the -director ai the Midwest office ai the League ai Nations association, a graduate .nnesrved at Sham Sthe which reservati ee in- *with the chairi are to TUTVf the ways and mneans cammittee, "ta mark thes' dates on your calendar and prepare ta enjoy three interest- ing evenings at the Wilmètte Worn- an's club through the caurtesy of the Junior auxiliary." Further tick- et information may be secured tramn Mrs. Bennett at Winnetka 1879. will 6:30 Dyi U. S. atuon ite co